Chapter 21

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"I thought you were joking." Albus said in awe and disbelief. Issa could feel the goosebumps rising on her skin. She turned to look at him.

"You saw those students made statues of gold, and you didn't believe me?" Issa said irritated and tired from running.

"Well who would ever think of another three chambers, and I mean, a lion who turns people to gold?"

"You're a bloody wizard! Who would ever think of that?"

"You got a point." Issa rolled her eyes. She walked in the chamber. The entrance had been broken, likely by the lion. Now there was a huge hole where the entrance used to be.

"Stop!" Albus yelled when Issa stepped into the chamber. There was a blinding light and Issa's grip on her wand loosened. She felt her wand slip from her fingers and then hit the ground a few yards away.

It was dark, she couldn't see anything besides eery shadows. There was a low glow that seamed to come from the walls of the chamber.

"Petrificus totalus!" Albus shouted. A purple light zipped past Issa's left shoulder. Was Albus trying to trick her? He cursed.

"What are you doing?" Issa hissed. And Albus grabbed her from the collar of her robes and pulled her outside of the chamber. Their backs pressed against the cold stone. Albus turned around and tried another spell. Apparently he missed, because he cursed again and then went back to his original back-to-wall position. "There is someone in there." He whispered in Issa's ear, tingling. Someone? And that person was trying to attack them? Who could have found the Chamber besides them?

When Issa came back to senses she looked around. Where was Tiana? "Stay here." Albus said, and stepped into the chamber. Issa grabbed his robes this time.

"What? There is someone there, and you are going in there alone?" She hissed.

"You've got no wand, and that tall girl is in there." He snatched his robes from Issa's grip and walked in. Issa felt stupid. Who could she let something so obvious happen to her? Did she really expect to walk in and come out unharmed?

It was not smart, but she walked in the chamber after Albus. Torches burned with fire. Someone had lit them. The walls that were glowing earlier turned out to be piles of gold. Like in the Hufflepuff Chamber. We're the chambers a place to keep the Founder's gold? Didn't they have Gringotts then? It is definitely a safer place to keep your money.

Issa dropped to the ground as a green light zipped over her head. "Behind that wall of gold! Get behind it, Issa!" She heard Albus.

"Narcissa, it is?" A voice laughed. Issa knew that voice, but it was impossible. That voice was gone when he was turned to gold. Tiana was nowhere to be seen. Had she run off? Issa stepped behind the wall of gold as Albus had told her. A moment later, Albus was there by her, breathing hard.

"I see you broke your promise? And brought Potter along, did you?" Eden snarled. Issa watched him from her shelter. There was something odd about Eden. His skin glowed. He wasn't gold anymore, and he could move. But it looked like it was harder for him to walk. His movements were slow. He had taken hold of Issa's wand. Seeing her wand in his hands made Issa's blood boil.

"And I see you are not gold anymore." Issa snarled back. "How did you do it?"

Eden thought for a while. Tell her, or not? Then he decided. "It was easy, really. You see, I am not me." As Issa thought what he meant her foot slipped, and she banged her head on a golden plate. She didn't think about it, but when she did, she was in mid-run to rip Eden's head off. "I wouldn't keep running if I were you." Eden warned. Issa's wand pointed at her. "You wouldn't want to get your rat killed." Again, Issa didn't know what he meant. Then he pointed his finger at something above him. A few yards above them was Tiana, half conscious, floating in the air like a rag doll. "Any stupid movement of yours, and I'll drop her. She heard Albus shift in the gold behind her. Eden didn't notice, or care.

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