Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to burden you with my problems." Emmett sighed, finally giving into his pestering efforts. 

"That is very thoughtful of you but you can never be a burden, grey eyes. Never!" He emphasised on the last word, whilst looking at him pointedly. 

"I have made some reckless decisions, but this one was purely coincidental. I have hurt her, I never wanted to hurt her, but my actions have become the cause of my misfortune, and I do not know what I'd do without her because she is irreplaceable, and our friendship is now incorrigible, just like this dying sunflower, who was once a slave to the amber-blue sky, is now but a broken beacon of hope, it can never be revived because of what I have done and I can never forgive myself for that." Emmett confessed, eyes shining with unshed tears at the thought of Gwen and her words.

"That is where you are wrong, this flower that you see, is still alive, just look at its plush petioles, grey eyes, do you believe it to be impossible? What it needs is but a bit of water and trust mingled with some colourful seeds of care, and it will, undoubtedly, be restored to its health, do you understand? Nothing is broken beyond repair, darlin' surely, you'd know that." The boy reprimanded.

"But she will not listen to reason, she's very obstinate, and this time, I could sense the finality in her words, as if she was done with me for good." Emmett shrugged pathetically.

"She is hurt, and only you can soothe her pain by concocting a remedy with your words and actions. Give it a try, because if you truly feel for her, you would fight for her." He advised.

"I suppose I owe you an apology for my previous actions, I wasn't thinking straight." Emmett looked at him apologetically.

"I understand, but if you are willing to make up for it then I suggest you to listen to this song that I have been working upon." He motioned his head towards his guitar. 

"That doesn't sound like a punishment." Emmett smiled at his actions. 

"Eh, it is if you are stuck with me." He chuckled. 

"Then, I don't mind because being stuck with you feels ethereal."  Emmett blushed under his intense gaze.

"Good to know that, darlin'. I can call you that, yes?" The boy asked softly. 

"Definitely." Emmett offered him a small smile.

"Aye, come on then, grey eyes. Lighten up!" He added, excitedly before picking up his guitar and softly plucking the chords, like he had spent quite some time in perfecting them.

"Starless skies, starring you and I,

We get so hung up on this isle of ire,

Winding whirls of our love tonight,

We play pretend, in the lighthouse of our dreams,

We play pretend in the white house of our starry seams."

The soft-spoken stranger looked genially gallant like an elegant yarn, formulated to fantasise and feign love as if he was but a writer's construction, his very existence was composed with an heirloom, a legacy for some, a gift imposed by the fine fibres of fallacy, a fictionalised sum, and Emmett, at that moment, wished to be forever entrapped within these confinements that had almost made him; his soul. He wistfully wished to be his, for as long as he lived, and that was all he needed to prosper, he thought as he intently listened to his mage-like voice.

"Starless skies, starring you and I,

I make a kite for you to fly,

Icarus' wings heavenly plight,

I take care of you with all my might,

When you see the winding whirls of our love tonight,

Play pretend, in the lighthouse of our dreams,

Play pretend in the whitehouse of our starry seams."

He gave him a subtle hint, a wink as he proceeded to sing the bridge of the song, from what Emmett could guess. He made him feel alive, as cliche as it seemed, it was what he desperately needed, and like some fairy, he had fulfilled his desires and for that, he would stay in his debt, forever.

"To have you so close to me,

In this world of make-believe,

Is but a wish for a shooting star into the sea,

Into the sea,

Starless skies, starring you and I,

We get so hung up on this isle of ire." 


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