"Keep talking like that all you want, Ln. It doesn't bother me. I'm going to be mayor of Chicago soon, and my first act as mayor is going to be getting you assigned to the foot beat at 26th and Cal for the rest of your career" Kelton retorted.

"Oh, I'm counting on it" I sneer.

After Kelton talked to Voight, he finally left the office. That man came here so often it was like he worked here. And I definitely didn't want that.

"Burgess and Atwater have a lead" Adam announced as Voight exited his office.

"Tell them we're on our way" Voight said.

5 minutes later, Adam, Antonio, Voight and I met up with Kim and Kevin on a corner. Supposedly, they had found something.

"Wilson's runner led me right here. The kid did a car switch in the parking lot, dusted off for 20 minutes, and pulled into that garage" Kevin said and pointed across the street.

"He stayed in there for 15 minutes, drove out, and then returned the car to the same lot" Kim added.

"That's Wilson's stash house. Kid dropped off cash, picked up packs and jabs" Voight spoke.

"We ran the address through narcotics. They confirmed it as a stash house but we don't have anything to tie it to Wilson. It's not enough for an arrest" Kim said.

"Wilson's smart. He's probably never even stepped foot near this place" Adam said and glanced at the house.

"We don't have time to flip up the chain or tickle the wire" Antonio pointed out.

"So we gut the stash house. Have Halstead and Upton pull gear from the roll-up on the quiet. Not the M-4s, just pistols and my Remington, and any blackout gear doesn't announce our office" Voight said.

"Copy that" Adam said.

Hailey and Jay brought the gear over, and after we all got geared up, he busted into the house. We had blackout masks on, so no one could see our faces. We then threatened the people inside to give us everything they had, which turned out to be a lot of drugs, guns, and money. Back at the district, I was supposed to inform everyone on how Voight wanted to proceed with things, and when I walked downstairs, I came across, Hailey and Jay, both of whom I wasn't on speaking terms with.

"Hey, uh, Voight wanted me to let you guys know that we're going to man the trackers, wire, COH, and everything we've got" I say.

For a few seconds, silence filled the room. And lets just say it was pretty awkward. Once Hailey saw that Jay wasn't going to talk, she spoke up.

"All right. We'll be up in a few minutes to help" Hailey said.

"Great. Thanks" I tell her before turning around and heading upstairs as quick as I could.


"Wilson visited a stash house an hour ago and picked up two of his runners. It's safe to say he's pissed" Kim said.

"Wilson then makes a phone call to his supplier. He has a big deal to make and doesn't have any product to do it with. The phone call goes back to Trey Guerrero. He supplies Mexican tan heroin to the Southside Hustlers" Hailey informed us.

"Someone please tell me they set a meet" Adam said.

"West End garage, 2:00 p.m. today" Jay responded.

"This is it. I mean, he's about to buy $1/2 million worth of dope. We get him on this, he'll have no choice but to flip on Kelton. All right, let's move" Voight said.

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