Chapter 1 The Devil

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The Devil was one day sitting on the floor, and was doing his school work because Devil's need to go to school to you know.And one day he went to explore because he was always traped in his room, because of hi parent.So one day he made a perfect plan to sneak out of his house.He ran down stairs to the living room walked all the way to the enterance being as quiet as a mouse.But the door was locked he forgot to get the key to open the door but luckly it was nightime.So all he had to do is to sneak in his it sounded so easy.But it was not mu Mum and Dad were very light sleepers so I can get easily caught by my parents.So I creped in mt parents bedroomas quietas I can againI slowly grabed the key and you don't want to know how loud they snored, they snored as loud as a elephant truck as they blew it.Or you can say it soud as the worst fart in the whole intier world omg it was that horrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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