Ch. 16 Falling Again, But Crashing Hard

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Allie's Pov

We get in the van and they make me and Zayn sit by eachother. Maybe being his "fake" girlfriend wont be so bad after all. I look down at our still intertwined fingers and look up at him. What a sight this is.

The sun kisses off his skin like a California girl. His cheek bones to perfection. His eyes have that twinkle that all girls want. The edges of his mouth are tilted up a bit into a smirk. Pure perfection.

He looks at me and my eyes go wide and blush a deep red.

"Shesh Allie if you go any redder you'll be a tomato!" Louis laughed. I gave him a glare and looked at my converse. I feel a finger under my chin and my head gets pulled up to meet eyes that I love to look at. The eyes that I wish I saw every morning when I opened mine.


He gave me a smile which instantly made me smile big.

"Dont listen to them love. I love it when you blush." He whispers. I giggle and blush again, he laughs and kisses my cheek. I rest my head on his shoulder and this felt like the perfect moment right here. He puts his arm around me pulling me closer toward him and kisses my forehead. I drifted off into a sleep not caring if it was only a 3 hour drive. Long drives and Allie dont mix.

*Snap* *Snap*

"Awh look! Haz I like yours better but mine has better light." I hear Lou giggle. I open my eyes and try to lift my head but couldnt I look up to see Zayn fast asleep with his head on mine. He looks amazing..

I give a look at Lou and Harry and there eyes go wide.

"Did you two take pictures!?" I shout making Zayn jolt up from his snooze. They both laugh and show me there phones they are now both on instagram and twitter.. Just great..

"Oh OH! Look at what I saiidd!" Lou said giggling like a 5 year old. I roll my eyes and look at the tweet.

'Look at these two love birds! They are the cutest! :). x"

Then I looked at Harry's

'Told you Zallie is real.. Proof here. Arent they adorable. x"

Zayn laughs at my side and I look over to him and cock my head to the side.

"So now its funny?" I say trying to be mean but failed miserabley. We stopped and pilled out.

"Alright. TO DISNEY WORLD WE GOOO!" Louis yells and runs to the gate. I let out a laugh and feel a warm hand on my side I look over to see Zayn had his arm around me. I look up and smiled at him, he kissed my cheek then my nose, and then he grabbed my hand before walking in the park.

"Go karts go kartss!" Lou yells. I agree and so does Liam, and Ni.

There was a long wait. So why not make this even more believeable?

I smile up at Zayn and he turns to me and presses his forehead to mine smiling like a cheshire cat. I giggle and kiss his nose. He turns a light shade of red and my mouth forms a 'O' shape.

"I made thee Zayn Malik Blushhhhh!" I giggle as he covers my mouth. He tilted his head so I could feel his warm minty breath on my lips. That sent chills down my back and spin. That made my heart rate speed up and my stomach full of butterflies flip. He leans in and presses his warm soft lips on. I hear a snap of a phone camara probably Louis. But I didnt care this kiss had so many emotions in it I love it.

Love, passion, want, hunger, longing. I feel him smile into the kiss. We part and I bite my lip.

"Dont bite your lip love. Thats for me to do." He whispers very husky. My eyes go wide and I swear I did turn into a tomato at that moment. I hear awh's beside us and look over to see Louis, Harry, and Eleanor. I just smile and turn red again.. Damn you embarassment..

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