Cyborgs and Humans

Start from the beginning

"Prove that you are from the future",I said.

He looked frustrated.

And said finally,"You miss your grandmother"

I looked at him my expression unreadable.

"With just that,I can't trust you",I said to him my tone slightly hostile.

He just looked more frustrated.He then took a small circular device from his pockets and gave it me.I took it and examined it closely for a moment and then raised my eyebrows.

He seeing my expression said,"This is a device which will allow you to go through my memories.You have to hold my hand with this device in your other hand."

I nodded. Slightly hesitant,I took his hand and then all at once I saw.

Earth.But not the one I grew up in.But the one which was completely different.Complete cruelty.

The cries of children.The pain of the old people.And much more destruction

Robots,Cyborgs and complete mayhem.

"Who are you?What are you to me?",I asked him, coming out of my reverie.

"My name is Jonathan and that's only what I can tell you",he said looking at me gravely.

"I hope that I don't regret helping you Jonathan",I said looking at him my voice unnaturally soft.

He nodded and I spotted the slightest hint of a smile in his face.

"We need to break into your father's office .And destroy the computer that is inside the cyborg.We need to stop it before you father activates it.".he said.

I nodded and just as he was about to start walking.

I asked him,"He could just simply redesign the whole thing right?"

He stilled.
"We have to destroy the formula ?Shouldn't we?",I asked him.
He nodded.
"He could just create the formula again right?",I asked him.
He looked at me .And then slowly took a bottle which was filled with some yellow liquid.
"What is that?",I asked him.
"This is called a memory serum.You can give it to him .And he will be going to a dazed state.At that time I will hypnotise him to forget what you want him to",he said handing me the serum.
I nodded and took the serum from his hand .

I prayed to God that he would me forgive me for what I am about to do.

For betraying my father.

For destroying his twenty years of hard work.

I prayed that I wouldn't regret what I am about to do.

I closed my eyes and prayed for one last minute and followed Jonathan who was already near my father's research area.

We stood near the door.Jonathan signaled me to tell him the code.
"0678354Dfr",I told him.
He nodded, and typed it.The door opened.
I looked inside the room .No one was there except my father who was working so hard.The finishing touches of the cyborg.The robot which will cause all this destruction.
There I could see it.The cyborg.I signaled Jonathan to remain there.He nodded.
I went near it.And it in its robotic voice said,"Hello.I am Robert.Cyborg number 001"

This is it .

If my father activates the chip which was inside the cyborg.It will become human like.I cannot let that happen.Especially if it leads to the destruction of humans.
"Melissa what are you doing here?I thought you were visiting the park?",my father asked me surprised.
"Change of plans.Since it is such a big day for you.I brought you some juice so that it might refresh you.",I said.
My father nodded gratefully and took the serum from my hands.
He just looked at for one minute and took a large gulp of it while I was praying that nothing bad would happen to him.
After a few seconds I could note the changes in him.His eyes became unfocused and he started falling.I caught him before he fell.And made him sit on the couch near by.

Jonathan came inside and stared at my father's eyes.He started speaking,"You are going to forget about your research.You spent the last 20 years living with your daughter in the countryside.You have never even thought about the advancing technologies in robots.You are going to forget it all."

With that Jonathan lightly touched my fathers face.My father then fell into a deep sleep.

I suddenly started panicking."What did you do to him.If something happens to him I will hunt you down and kill you."

Jonathan shook his head and said,"No he just fell into a deep sleep.When he wakes up,he will believe what I made him think."

He went near the cyborg and looked it with such hatred that I stilled.He took the screwdriver and started to levigate the cyborg.He then started slowly taking the chip from its brain.

He then took hammer and started smashing the chip.Till it became no bigger than small fragments.

He then finally looked at me.There was something familiar about him which I couldn't identify.

"It's time for me to go,old friend",he said.

My eyes widened in shock.Then he took a remote like thing from his pocket and pressed a button.Then suddenly a very large black hole appeared in the air sucking him inside.

I stared at the place where he stood just moments before wondering whether all this was real.

And then from behind me I heard a groan.My father was waking up.I went to sit beside him.I lightly touched his shoulders.

"Melissa,what is going on?What is this place?",he asked so confused that my heart broke.

"It's nothing father;Now lets get you home",I said to him.

I stood up and extended my hands to him.He took it and we left that place.

55 years later[YEAR 2153]

"Mother you don't have to wash the utensils.You could have called me",I heard my grand daughter say.

"You know very well that I wouldn't have let you,with your new born baby and all.......",I said to her.

She came near me holding her son in her hand.

"Well,aren't you a cutie",I said to him playing with his tiny hands.

"I have decided to name him Jonathan.",I heard my grand daughter say.

I looked at her shocked.

So this Jonathan was my great grandchild who came to me when I was a girl when he was in trouble.

Realization dawned on me.

I looked at him in a different light.

Jonathan.The emissary of humans.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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