I Need You.... Literally | part 2

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------------Part 2--------

The guy I had just insulted approached me heavily, showing no mercy as his fist connected with my nose.

"Aahh!!", I screamed in pain.

I heard gasps around me as I collapsed on the floor; I felt faint, with blood dripping all over my face.

One of the guy's friends yelled out: 'SHIT BRO! COME ON! He's fucking bleeding! Let's get out of here!!".

Good riddance, I thought to myself.

"You go get help. I'll stay here with him", said a familiar voice. Sarah. It was Sarah.

Sarah kneeled down beside me and

lifted my head gently onto her lap. She looked gorgeous with the sunlight making her blue eyes shine, and her skin looked so fine.

It was time... I've been waiting all my life to tell Sarah I love her, and now here's my chance. I open my mouth slowly and say: "'Sarah... I have to tell you something".

She turned her head towards me expectantly.

"What is it Paul?" she asks, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

"Er... Um... ", I stammer and mumble, "....You're a great person".

Sarah nods her head in obvious disappointment; she was expecting a lot more. She swept her hair out of her face and smiled at me, hinting that I should go on. I was building up the courage to say something more meaningful, when suddenly she did something shocking- she bent down and kissed me on the cheek!

I hear Sarah giggle softly at the look of astonishment on my face. This amazing feeling overcame the pain of the punch I had taken to the nose.

Sarah took out a pen and some scrap paper and wrote something down, then she put it inside my shirt pocket. She took my head off her lap and stood up; I could see the school nurse coming over, followed by Matt.

"Text me", Sarah says with a wink.

I glanced at the bulge in my shirt pocket, then quickly back at Sarah, who was walking off with her friends. What the fudge just happened?? I'm so confused right now, and not because I'm dazed from the punch to the face. Was this the beginning of our relationship?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2012 ⏰

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