1- The County of... What?

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Rune's vision was so blurry, her hands were barely visible to her, so it must've been confusing when a stranger walked up to her to speak.
She almost yelped when Rune heard their voice, welcoming and concerned, one she had not heard in a while.

"Hello? Are you okay?" They spoke, only coming closer.

Rune tensed up as her vision got better. She stared at the person in front of her. Strong build, welcoming face with a small scar across his eye, pink and faded against his tan skin.
He was wearing light armor, and there was a symbol on his chest signaling he was apart of the Prince's guard.
So that meant Rune was in the County of- wait what?!

The sun beat down on the tired travelers back as she tried to conjure up something to say. "I- I'm in the County of Aneroul?" was all she could get out.

"That you are," He smiled softly. "Say, are you looking for someone? I'm pretty familiar with most of the people in the castletown."

Yes, yes I am, have you seen them? Rune wanted to say, but she knew it be of no use. even if she did find them, they wouldn't want to see her.

"Well, um- they- no. I'm just.. traveling." She stuttered, standing taller.
The man laughed. "You seem a bit lost, do you need somewhere to stay? I have some space.."

Rune at the moment is what you would say, baffled. What person just offers someone a place to stay upon meeting them?
"Oh, I um, have a place to stay," she lied. The last time she accepted an offer like that, she was almost murdered. "Thank you, though, um.."
"My name. Steece Kingsman," He- Steece, holds out his hand for Rune to shake.

'Interesting name' , Rune was tempted to say. "Rune," she says, shaking his hand weakly, straining not to make an audible wince at the ache in her arm.
In that moment, Rune realized she was just outside the castle town. Oh. 

The two stood there in an awkward silence before Rune broke it. "I have to go, now, I might see you somewhere else, Steece.."
"I'd be careful around town this time at night, because of the recent events, we've been hearing of attacks. We try to keep it as safe as possible, just.. watch out. Goodluck!" He called, before grabbing a bottle out of his bag and breaking it on the ground and disappearing. 

Of course, Rune had second thoughts about staying in the castle town,
But if I stay safe, They won't be able to find me, right?


Sorry for a short first chapter TwT
but thanks for reading! This is an au idea I had with a bunch of characters 
and I have

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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