Rhythm and Sync

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At night we are one

Together we breathe

In rhythm and sync

The crickets chirp and the owls hoot

But all I can hear is the beating of our hearts

In rhythm and sync

The noises the world sends to us

Help calm and soothe

In rhythm and sync

The waves crash against the sandy shores

White frothy foam and seagulls galore

In rhythm and sync

But when the pink hues of dawn break

And away from me, you they take

In rhythm and sync

I hear you cry for the love you lost

The one I can never compare to

In rhythm and sync

And though I have you now

I shan’t on the morrow

In rhythm and sync

Steal away home you will

Never to look back on me

In rhythm and sync

Go, just go, I release you now

While I shed tears for the one I’ll always love

In rhythm and sync.

(A/N) Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone who read this would kindly just leave a COMMENT(preferably detailed) as to how I could possibly revise this so it would be better.

Also, a VOTE or two wouldn't hurt my pride if you thought it was worth it(:

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