Part 1 new school year

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 starting chapter 

POV: ??

My eyes flutter open as I hear my alarm going off 'nyeh it's too early' I think to myself I lazily get out of my twin sized bed and I walk to my closet and open my closet Picked out my school uniform I change then walked out of my room then a smell of pancakes? Being made 'Oh mom must be up' as I walk down the hall as I get to the mid part of the hall I hear "But whyyyyy I want to help youuuu." My brother wined "Kokichi last time you almost burned down the House!" I finish walking down the hall then the stairs When I got to the kitchen Kokichi looked at me and said  "nishsihish you finally woke up!" 

I just ignored him. He pouted a bit but didn't say anything "now now you too be nice!" My mother says in a loud tone 

"your not my mom!" He says as he rush's out the Front door 

I look at my mother as tears threatening to fall from her eyes "Nyeh it's okay he's just not over what happened." I say trying to cheer her up

"I try so hard" she says in a sad tone she looks at the time her eyes shot open 

"You only have 10 minutes till school! Here your pancakes!" She smiles sweetly and pass's me a pancake 

*skip time bought to you by nagtoes*

I finish up my pancakes and say goodbye to my Mom and quickly run out the door 

Nyh oh I forgot my name is..

End of chapter.

Yayyyy I finish the first chapter I'll update when I can this isn't that good it's actually trash (like me) anyways who do you think who's POV that was?

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