Info On The Past

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I woke up to the birds singing. Just kidding. I haven't heard the birds sing since this all started. I miss the birds' lullaby in the mornings. Ms. Michonne promised to help me hang a bird house when I was finished settling in.

I know she is out there. She has to be out here.

At the moment, I am resting behind a big rock with the dead surrounding it. One has a stab-ish wound in its head. Not made by a knife, but a sword. Ms. Michonne should be around here close. I know she is still here. She was part of the Prison group as I call them. I was, as usual, looking for food and Ms. Michonne, when I heard the bang! of a tank, I ran in that direction. When I got there, I saw these people fighting to keep the outsiders out. Obviously. I shot down a few from the ones out side the fence, because I knew if someone was trying to break into my 'house' at this time, I would want them gone.

I ran through the prison, trying to see if Ms. Michonne was here. I was too late. I hope. I found what looks like her poncho with a hood, something she loved to where. I can only hope It's hers, and not someone who stoll it from her. I've been tracking the group for a year now. Of course, they went the wrong way to Terminus, but I got there too late, it was already 'blown' up. I had come across one of their signs before, hoping to find Ms. Michonne, only to almost get skinned alive, but escaped. I'm good at that. Escaping, running, hunting, and tracking. I've learned a new technique every year. This year was escaping. It has come in handy.

Anyway, I'm still tracking them. The blood of the dead man is dry. Two weeks. Beaver damn it... I'm way behind. They could be gone from where ever they are staying. Sheet! Oh, well. I will have to find a good place to sleep for now.






I came across a church, that had its doors wide open, and dead men surrounding it. I looked to see how much amo I had, and how many arrows I had. Six bullets in my hand gun, and 20 arrows. I know, but I never use my arrows that often, and I pick up a lot on the way. I started out with five. Just to give you a picture of what I had to go through to get these arrows. To avoid getting attention, I will finally use my arrows.

After I shot them all down, I looked inside the church. When I saw the fimiliar can, I ran to it. I read the label.

Baby Formula

Yes! Andrae may still be out there! I was so happy, i set up my special trap to wake me if any wandering dead men came by. I had a small fire going with rabbit rosting on a stick. I had gotten lucky today. Rabbit was my favorite. Since no one was around, I sang my favorite song.

I set out on a narrow way, many years ago...

Hoping I would find true love along the broken road...

But I got lost a time or two, what my brow kept pushin' through

I couldn't see how every sign... Pointed strait to you...

But every long lost dream, lead me to where you are...

And others who broke my heart; They were like northern stars,

Pointin' me on my way, into your loving arms,

This much I know is true,

But God blessed the broken road, that lead me strait to you...

I couldn't remember the rest of the song, sad really. It was my favorite. Andrae loved it to. Only he knew that I sang, maybe even Ms. Michonne, if she rememberd that far back when she walked in on me singing...

I laid down, ready to sleep, but I had the weirdest feeling... even if it was in the middle of the day, and I had a fire, and I was tired, I felt like I wanted to cry... but I had that feeling sometimes, like when I left the camp by myself, a little bit after that, that day I saw this man with an eye patch walk out of a building, and the day that I found the prison almost burned to the ground.

I shook it off, and laid back down. As soon as I was comfortable, I was out like a light...


Well?? What do you think of Willow? How do you think she will react to find out Andrae is gone? I will update soon, follow me, I follow you. Hope you enjoyed! Oh! One more thing, Willow doesn't like to cuss, so she says other things like instead of saying
D*mn, she says beaver damn
Sh*t is sheet
*ss is donkey
F*ck is freak
B*tch is female dog
and you can probebly guess the rest...


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