"Yes, Tom I would like for you to meet your new housemate and dorm mate Hadrian Peverell." Dippet replied to Tom's question. That's when Tom turned to me and said, "We have met when Madame Pomfrey asked of myself to escort Hadrian up to your office, sir. I shall take Hadrian to the common room and show him around the castle tonight before classes on Monday sir." 

Dippet nodded his head in acknowledgement and bid us a good evening. We turned and left the office. "Hey Tom, can I ask you a question?" I immediately regretted calling him by his name when he turned and glared at me. "What is it Peverell." Tom said with a sneer. "Who are our other dorm mates? Can I call you Tom? By the way you can call me Harry, Hades or anything but my last name." I casually mentioned. 

"Well Hades this is the entrance to the common room." Tom said with a smirk when I just realized we made it to the dungeons. "The password is Belladonna." As Tom said the password the wall moved to show the common room. Tom motioned his head for me to follow him and I did so. We moved through the common room and towards the dorm rooms. Tom kept walking and stopped in front of a door with two names on it Tom's and my own. 

"Wait, it's just us in there and no one else. Why?" I inquired. Tom didn't say a word just motioned for me to go inside the room and I did so without any further questions. Tom walked in and closed the door behind me and spoke, "I have had my own room for the four years I have been here. If we are to share this room you follow what I say. If someone else for some unexplained reason is looking for me and you do or do not know where I am, you do not speak to them and pretend they do not exist I will personally deal with them after you tell me who they were. Are we clear on this Hades?"

"Yeah crystal clear. Um, can I still call you Tom?" I gently asked. "In public, yes you can call me Tom, but here in this room where no one else can hear you can call me whatever you desire. On the note of in public, where I sit you sit next to me alright." Tom expressed. I nodded in understanding.

I turned around to my bed and was shocked to see all my belongings from my time here and all changed to look to be more of this time era. "Hades are you afraid of snakes?" Tom asked from behind me. I shake my head no. "Hades I should mention when I ask you questions I need a worded response not a head gesture. Are we clear?" Tom asked once again.

"No, I'm not afraid of snakes and yes very clear." I respond to Tom. "Good. Now Hades I would like you to meet my snake Nagini. Turn around and say hello Hades." I hear Tom say, so I turn and subconsciously slip into parsletongue, "Hello Nagini, I am Hadrian Peverell but you can call me Harry, Hades or anything but my last name."

"A speaker besides my hatchling. This is wonderful. Thank you Hades for knowing parsletongue." Nagini said at the same time as Tom saying, "You can speak parsletongue as well?" 

"Well I guess so, I can understand and speak to Nagini can't I." I responded back in English and not parsle. Tom placed Nagini down and stalked over to me and explained that he himself was the only person he knew who could speak parsle. "Hades, you know now that we know we both can speak parsle you aren't going to leave my sights." Tom expressed before grabbing my waist  and pulling me to him. 

I nodded but said, "I get that you don't want me out of your sights, but I would like to shower alone or is that not acceptable? Besides wouldn't be strange for you to want to always know where I am and in your sights?" 

"Listen up Hades, as of the moment you spoke parsle you became mine. I protect what is mine at all costs, so that means you will not leave my sight unless it is to shower or go to class that you do not share with me, even then I will walk you to all your classes and pick you up from them. Have I made myself clear?" Tom asked me.

"Yes you have Tom." I replied back. "Good" Tom said before kissing my cheek. I blushed and turned away to go and grab my belongings, the hygiene ones (obviously), and rushed to the bathroom. As I shut the door I could hear Tom chuckling at me. "Don't be long in the shower Hades. I still have to show you around." I hear him explain to me. I nod before realizing that he couldn't see me, so I squeaked out a small, but loud enough, "Ok." 

I quickly bathed and made my way out the bathroom in my night robes. As soon as I left the bathroom, Tom was pulling me towards him. "You, my dear, cannot leave this room looking as delectable as you are right now. You shall wear this over your clothes." Tom explains as he wraps his cloak around me. "Nagini you shall be coming with us. I want you around Hades neck protecting him. Oh, and Hades. You look so cute in my clothes." I blush and hide myself inside his cloak knowing that arguing with Tom right now would be pointless. "Ok, but can Nagini not be on my neck, but around my waist?" I ask softly. 

Tom hums slightly and kisses my cheek. "We'll see, but for tonight Nagini will be around your neck. When we leave the room be mindful that the Slytherins will be staring at you. If you get uncomfortable with them tell me or Nagini, but it must be in parsle only. In the common room, unless your speaking to another student or to any professors you will speak in only parsle, so no one else can hear what we speak about."

As I was about to respond with a 'yes, I understand' there was a quick knock on the dorm room door. Tom hisses lowly, "Sit on my bed and get under my covers. Now my dear." I immediately do as I am told, while saying under my breath in parsle, "Yeah, yeah I'm going, I'm going. No need to get bossy." not realizing Tom could hear me. "I'll deal with you after I deal with Abraxas." Tom immediately hisses at me.

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