Chapter 6

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We walked outside.
"Babe will you drive there?" Joey asked." I'll drive home."
"Ok." I said in a sarcastic way. I gave him a little smirk. He smiled which made me smile. His smile is so dreamy, and those beautiful, deep, blue eyes of his. Before I knew it I was lost in a day dream.
"Babe." I heard in the distance." Autumn!!!" Joey yelled which made me snap out of it.
"Sorry." I laughed. "Let's go. "

When we got there Rachel's door was locked. I lifted the flower pot, that sat on the porch, and unlocked the door.
"Rache? You here?" I asked.
"Upstairs. Be down in a second."

We walked into the kitchen. Joey went straight to the fridge.
"Joey, you are such a fatty."
He turned and smiled. He had a have eaten sub in his hand.
"I know." He said as he took a bite out of the sub.

"Hey guys!" Rachel said.
"Hey girl." I said hugging her." Shall we get started?" I asked.
"Yeah. If I can figure out how." She laughed.
"Oh we got it!! Hey guys I'm Rachel and this is Joey Stamper. And the girl in the middle of us is Autumn, Joey's girlfriend. Well they aren't dating yet but she's basically his girlfriend. Anyway, we are going to answer some questions. So comment below or tag me in a tweet on Twitter. Ok, first thing. Oh! Autumn this one is about you!"
"Oh really?!? What does it say?" I asked.
"It's says... um ok, it says."

Autumn I hate you so much. You stole my man from me. Go die in a hole.

"Oh my god. What kind of a person puts that in the Internet?" I said.
"A jealous one apparently." Joey said. All of us started to laugh.
"Let's continue." Rachel said." Um they want me to do impersonations. I can do Squirt and Ariel."

She did Ariel first.
"Oh my god that was great Rachel." Joey and I laughed.

Then she did Squirt.
"Oh my god I was not ready for that!" Joey said with excitement.
I fell on the floor I was laughed so hard.
"Rachel you are the best I swear. Oh my god Henry go away. ( Henry is Rachel's dog btw).

*45 minutes later*

"Rachel when are we ending this? I'm starving." Joey asked.
"Right now. Ok guys that's all for this time cause Joey is a fatty. But thanks for joining us. Love Rachel, Autumn, and Joey.
She closed the laptop.
"Ok let's go." I said.

After we ate Joey and I went home.
"Hey guys." Mom said." Have fun. "
"Yeah we did. Mom can Joey stay over tonight."
"That's entirely up to your father."
I walked into the living room.
"Hey daddy. Can Joey stay the night."
"Sure if he sleeps on the couch."
"Oh come on dad. Please."
I have him the puppy dog face it always works on him.
"Fine. Fine! But this is the only time."
"Ok thank you daddy. Night love you. Night mom love you."
"Love you too."
Joey and I went upstairs.
"Babe I'm going to take a shower." I said.

I got out of the shower and put a tank top on, my underwear, and a pair of Joey's boxers for shorts. I walked out of the bathroom, Joey was curled up like a turtle sleeping. I took a picture cause he was so cute. Then I crawled in bed and got up against him. Soon I was asleep as well.

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