12 Training day

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(A.N. Sorry I haven't been writing. :/  I have school and writer's block)

Ginny's POV:

"Remember what Haymich said about making allies." Percy says as we go to the training center. When we get there people are lined up and talking to each other nervously. "Look there's 12." Said a girl with brown hair with caramel highlights she also has side bangs that fall into her brown eyes. She said this to a boy with black spiky hair with brown eyes and glasses. "So far I'm not overwhelmed by our choices." I whisper back in Percy's ear. He chuckles. "Welcome Tributes to the Capital training center!" Said a surprisingly cherry voice. "My name is Sinica Crane, and I am head Game-maker!" He said. "I will ask you not to harm each other you will have plenty of time to do that in the games." He added. Then he left. We all kind just stood there for a minute. Then the girl from earlier came to me. "Hi I'm Amy. I'm from District 4." She said holding out her hand. I shake it. "Hi Amy, I'm Ginny and this is Percy." I answer pointing to Percy and I. "Hello I'm Troy, and I'm in District 4 with Amy." Said the boy from ealier. "I say we should be allies." Percy said. "OK." We all say.

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