"Nothing ever happened. We don't know each other. I hope you both understand." Said Munir and both nodded and stepped out of the room while Munir and Tayyab turned to see Roney who was sleeping peacefully while blood was  going drop by drop in his body.

The night was passing second by second while the new challenges of life were waiting for them. Going to the second floor where all the girls students were staying there was a room on the left corner of the corridor where a person was awake at the 3 of the morning. Her curley hair were hanging down on her shoulder, her eyes which had tears in them were fixed on her mobile and she was thinking whether she should call or not. Her heart was not at rest for a second.

"Where are you? Just tell me you're fine." Looking at the picture she muttered while a tear slipped on her cheek.

But night kept passing and her waiting was icreasing second by second. Soon the sun rays started to spread on the sky killing the darkness of the night. Everyone woke up and all the students started to pack their luggages as today they were going to depart back to their city. Soha was tensed on her place as she didn't receive any call from Aryan and also Arhaan didn't tell her where was he. Khirad was lost in her own thoughts, mind was hooked still to the yesterday's incident and heart was praying for the one who was beating deeply in her heart. With every passing second she felt her breath stopping and the wetness of her eyes was increasing more with his thoughts.

All went out of their rooms to have their breakfast. All students were gathered in the restaurant and
Breakfast was served to all but her eyes were roaming around to find Arhaan. Getting up from her seat, she walked toward his friends.

"Excuse me." Calling his one of friend she waited for him to turn to her.

"Yes." He said as he turned.

"Where is Arhaan?" She asked

"He was just here now. Where did he go?" Looking around for Arhaan, he said and Soha also looked around to find him.

"Hello my brother's Rapunzel." Spreading his arm around her shoulder, he appeared in front of her.

"You idiot where were you?" Slapping on his shoulder, she asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me. I was here but was tensed for the girls. Thank God they are okay now. And I'm thankfull that you are fine." Looking at Soha, he said concerned with a smile.

"I'm fine but was worried for you. " said Soha with tears in her eyes.

"Oh come on. I'm fine. Don't worry about me but think of your Aryan who musy be spending his time with some Alina." With a teasing smile said Arhaan and Soha narrowed her eyes at him.

"Shut up. He's not my Aryan but my friend okay." She said removing his arm from her shoulder.

"By the way where's my flower?" Looking around, he said his eyes searched for someone.

"Who?" Asked Soha looking around.

"My Khirad." He said searching for her.

"You flirt." Slapping on his shoulder, Soha said angrily.

"Don't tease her. She's not feeling well. And she's not your Khirad as she loves someone else." Said Soha and Arhaan turned to her fully.

"Who?" He asked looking at her with a frown on his forehead.

"I don't know who he is. But she loves someone." Said Soha looking at Khirad who was seated a bit far from them.

"It will be me she love. Trust me." Winking said Arhaan and moved ahead to meet khirad.

Since I've Got You(Sequel Of Her Dream To Be Loved)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ