Am I Hallucinating?

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I turn the pages of my textbook, massaging my temple in an attempt to get rid of my lingering headache. I want to rest, but I have so many things to study by next week, I can't waste any time. Suddenly there is frantic knocking on my bedroom door, which scares my black cat Violet from the windowsill and sends her pouncing under my bed.
"Come in" I say.
The door opens and my younger sister Julie walks in with a look of guilt on her face. "Hey Y/N," she says.
She then goes on to explain how she failed her last chance to prove herself at school, so she has been replaced in the music program.
"Dad's gonna kill me" she mumbles, as I shoot her an assuring smile.
"Hey, no he won't, ok? He knows how hard it has been for you to play music since..." I trail off.
"..mum," she finishes my sentence.
I nod. "Just explain it to him, he'll understand. Besides, Miss Harrison knows how talented you are, and how much it means to you. If you really want to rejoin you can try to convince her."
Her face is painted in an unconvinced look, but as she begins to reply, she is cut off by dad's voice calling out to us.
We look at each other, then she leaves my room. Reluctantly, I shut my textbook and follow.

We approach the kitchen, and are greeted by our dad.
"Hey girls. I've been meaning to ask you..if we are serious about moving I need to snap some shots for the real estate website. To do that, we would need to clean out your mum's studio. I was wondering if you two would like to do it..? I wouldn't really know where to start...of course if you're not comfortable-"
I glance at Julie, as she cuts him off by agreeing. I nod in agreement as they wait for my approval.
"Great! Thank you so much girls." Dad says, smiling. He engulfs Julie in a hug, and the sight of it brightens my mood. As hard as things are, I would do anything for them. We have been through so much together, and we will continue to stick together.
Julie then turns to me and asks whether I want to start cleaning out the studio now. I hesitate for a second, since I aimed to spend all evening studying. But I guess I'll just have to stay up later to do that.
"Sure" I reply, as we walk outside. The bitter air hits my skin and makes me shiver, as my hair sways in the wind. Finally we arrive at the large white doors of the studio. Julie almost bumps into me from behind when I stop, as she is too lost in her thoughts.
"It'll be ok, I promise" I assure her, reaching for the door knob.
Reaching for the other one, we both open the doors, peering into the darkness of our Mum's studio.
"We're back.." Julie whispers under her breath, not thinking I could hear her.

The dim moonlight shining in through the doorway adds to that which is dappled through the window.
"You ready?" I ask my younger sister as I take a deep breath.
She nods in response. Slowly, we start rummaging through some old things in the studio, although not getting very far since neither of us know where to start. My eyes are drawn to the corner of the room, to a stand that holds a hazelnut-brown guitar.  I walk up to it and run my finger along it's surface, disturbing dust and causing it to reflect a streak moonlight. The sight of this instrument is so calming to me. Sighing, I turn my attention to organising things, as I uncover a few old CD's that Mum owned. In amongst the older ones, that have slightly scratched and worn covers, there's one that seems newer, with a smooth black cover. Sunset Curve the cover read. It doesn't sound too bad, I mean we could use something to motivate us to get this done. Carefully I take the CD out and turn on the CD player. The metallic sound of rock music echoes out of the speaker. It's pretty catchy. Mum sure had good taste.
"What CD is that?" Julie asks, coming over to look at it. I can't help but eye the guitar as she brushes past it.
"It's a band called Sunset Curve," I show her the CD cover, passing it to her.
"Not bad-" she begins, as I hear a faint shouting in the distance.
I give her a confused look, wondering if she can hear it too. Her expression tells me that she can. It's getting louder every second, and honestly it's starting to freak me out. We both look around, not knowing what exactly we are looking for.
The screaming reaches its peak as we both spot movement in the middle of the studio.
Three guys appear, falling to the ground. They quickly stand up, as Julie screams at the top of her lungs and bolts out.
Am I hallucinating?

A/N: hey! So hear me out, this part is kinda boring I know, but it's just an introduction. It will get better ;)
-mads 🤍

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