Totally not kidnapping

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Hello welcome to my new story! If you have any suggestions or things u want me to add don't be afraid to ask! I'm open to any opinions unless it affects the storyline. Enjoy!

(Disco mans pov)

We were recording in the studio.... again. Lately Freddie has only wanted to record. He knows... we all know, that he wasn't going to make it to long from now. So he decided to record as much as possible. I sighed deeply and Brian redid his solo again. He walked out of the studio.

"I'm done for today. We've been here from 6 to 12 everyday this week. I'm beat." And with that he picked up his guitar and left the room. I turned to roger and Freddie. Rog shrugged and left the room as well. Freddie sighed and stood up.

"Let's go darling." He also left the room and I was right on his trail. When we walked outside we saw that it had started to rain and it was progressively turning into a storm.

"There was a tornado warning on the news this morning." Brian stated while staring through the window. Roger gasped at this news.

"Yes! I love tornados! Do you ever just want to like.. touch it?" Roger thought aloud. What the bloody hell is wrong with him.

"Roger what the f*ck?" Freddie said making us all laugh after a brief pause.

"What? Have you never thought about it?"

"No! Why would I think about that?" Freddie exclaimed throwing up his arms.

"Roger are you high." I asked him.

"No im Roger." Yea he was definitely drunk or high right now. Brian and Freddie rolled their eyes at him and I grabbed an umbrella. Brian raised an eyebrow at me.

"What do you want to get your poodle hair all wet or something? I'm helping you out here space boy." I opened the umbrella and stepped outside. (Deaky That's called BAD LUCKKK JEEZ NOW UR GONNA GET KIDNAPPED AND FORCED TO REACT TO YOU KISSING FREDDIE)!

They all followed me outside and huddled together under the umbrella. We started walking towards Rogers car.

"Get in f*ckers." Roger said while unlocking the car. We all scrambled in. Brian and rog in the front and me next to fred in the back. We all talked and laughed for about 15 minutes before we ended up at a cafe thing. One where we knew we wouldn't get as much attention as we usually would. (also if ur wondering why I'm not writing anything on freddies aids and how it has affected his walking and such, it's cause I don't know about any type of medical things and I 1 don't want to look them up, and 2 I don't want to get anything wrong)

We got out of the car and walked outside. When we got into the cafe a few heads turned and I saw about three out of the seven of the people fangirl when they saw us. We walked up to the counter. We didn't plan to stay for long because we weren't really in the mood for a whole cafe dazed at our presence.

We ordered sat down and ate. Brian was right. There was a tornado a few miles away from us and roger heard this and started bouncing in his chair like a child.

Right before we left someone from the counter called us to the back of the building. Freddie shrugged and followed the person. I was still suspicious but followed anyways.

They led us to a dark room and I wasn't aware of the size or the what was held inside. It was probably a storage closet and someone was asking for an autograph. Brian always thinks of the worst possible situation.

"Freddie did you just lead us to our deaths?" He asked when we heard the door open and then close again, a little light illuminating the room for a split second before we were stuck in complete darkness.

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