Chapter 2: My secret shark

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Kevin's POV:

'Why does he do this to me, especially when I've fallen for him so much,' I thought to myself.....'his probably doing this to make a fool out of me and to get a good laugh.' The bell rang for lunch I walk over to my locker to put away my math and physic books.

"Hey kev, wait up!" i knew that loud, happy voice anywhere it was Nazz running towards me, "Hey Nazz, what's up I thought you were gonna wait for me in the cafeteria?" I asked with a confused look on my face. "Well I have something to tell you," "what is it Nazz, something wrong?" I started to get a weird chill down my spine and felt like someone was watching me. But i was more concerned about Nazz because she seems happier than usual that's when she pushes me againest the lockers and says, "you have to promise not to tell a soul about this, understood," i nodded to reply "ok, i heard that some dude in this very school.....has a crush on you!" i was in shock. "what did you just say!?!" i asked in a quiet shout, i couldn't believe my ears to what i had just heard "Nazz please tell me this a joke or something because i am......not laughing" my face was so red and hot that i could see steam coming of my face.

Edd's POV:

As i was walking towards my locker i heard someone yelling out pumpkin's name from around the corner, i peeked and saw the blonde chick that my little ginger talks to running as fast as she could and suddenly stop right in front of him. They started to talk to him, she seemed really excited about something, 'i wish i could hear them or read there lips to know what they were talking about' i thought to myself but before i could go over there i see her pin against the lockers which enraged me to go over there and pull off him. Though this next part i didn't see coming, pumpkin shouted in a quiet tone "what did you just say!?!" then i got intreged but i wondered what she had said to him, that's when she raised her voice.

"Kev, i am telling the truth there is a dude at who has a crush on you and thinks your CUTE!!" the blonde sqweeled and jump for joy,that's when my heart just stopped. 'someone dude in this damn school is eyeballing my pumpkin and saying his is cute' i thought as i started to get angry 'whoever this fucker is i am really going to end his miserable life, I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CALLS HIM CUTE,' i shouted to myself. I turned to see his expression and he was red as a tomatoe, i can't believe my little emerald eyed goddess was blushing because some dude likes him too.

I needed to let him know how i feel, with a swift motion i reached into my bag pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write something. Once the coast was clear i walked over to his locker and slipped the note into and this was the beginning of my plan with a happy smirk on my face i left for lunch.

Kevin''s POV:

'i can't believe someone like me can have someone crushing on me, though i wish it was Edd who had this crush on me,' i repeatedly thought this over in my head as i was eating my lunch with Nazz and some of the other Quiz Bowl members. While i was thinking of Edd i glanced behind me to see him eating his lunch with memebers of the swim team on the other side of the cafeteria, then i realize there is now way that the star swimmer would ever go out with a boring nerd like me.

i turned my head back towards my friends and suddenly nazz is all in my face "whaa......nazz don't do that i almost fell backwards," i told her while glaring."I know that you like Edd.....even though he bullied you since childhood.....but if you don't tell him the truth you won't be able to get it off your chest," she said as if i didn't already know that, the thing is i'm afraid of rejectation but she was right. "i know...i know...i was actually gonna tell him on Sunday after the swim meet but...." before i could finfish my sentence the bell rang for class as i got up to throw my trash away i noticed Edd was looking at me when I turned our eyes were locked on one another for about a second until he quickly looked away. 'Was he staring at me?' with that thought in mind my heart was skipping a beat, i left the cafeteria and headed towards my locker after i said bye to nazz and everybody else, once i opened my locker a piece of paper slid out onto the floor. I opened it to read what it said and i couldn't believe what i was reading:

Dear my emerald eyed beauty,

I have been watching you from a far and i can't express or even explain how much you make my heart skip a beat. When i see those beautiful eyes of yours i can't help but wonder how happy i get when i see them glisten in the hallway lights or how your small smile brings warmth through out my entire body. I wish to keep you safe and out of harms way with every minute of every day, your cheeks are as red as cherries which make me want to place a sweet kiss on them.

Sincerly yours, secret shark

i put my back against the lockers and slidding down onto the floor with my cheeks burning like crazy, 'there is no way that this could be Edd,' i thought to myself still blushing 'maybe it's that other guy but the only shark in school is Edd because thats his nickname on the team or it could be a coincidence but i do hope it's Edd,' i smiled while holding the note to my chest and blushing even to think it was Edd who wrote this but i can't be to sure.

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