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Fate Play ( Dong Hua & Feng Jiu) has been taken down. Thank you all for accompanying me to this beautiful Journey!

Hello to my lovely readers! ( old and new)

As most of you know that Fate Play is turning into the original story on the platform called Webnovel exclusively, the contract now is official! For the same reason, I have to take Fate Play down from the Wattpad according to the guidelines. Since this even makes me sad...I plan to keep the Chen Ye and Aranya chapter here and a few good moments of DongFeng from Fate Play here. If there is some moment of this story is your absolute favourite and you might in near future or far see yourself revisiting it. I want to make sure you can do it. So let me know what moments you might want to keep.

Or if by any chance you want to read the original version because now I started to re-create their history and get more in-depth to the character of Dong Hua Di Jun and Bai Feng Jiu as The First Lord Dong Hai and Bai Hong Liu. There is going to be a lot of changes that might even surprise everyone but the heart of the story is the same. If you can and want I would love to read your thought on that. You can go to Webnovel and search Fate Play or search my user name amy2097 you will find it. I can't post a link here so...Yeah.

And this in the spirit of Di Jun shamelessness, This the blurb of Fate Play as the original edition. Sorely in the prospect of tempting you.


Fate Play on Webnovel

 "think about it very carefully the fate won't let you have me and I won't let you go to any other man" He warned

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"think about it very carefully the fate won't let you have me and I won't let you go to any other man" He warned

"I always thought I felt the worst pain possible when my heart was broken by him, it is today I realize, the fact he loves me and can't have me, his broken heart hurts me more,"

"Why do you insist on this madness? I have told you, all I have ever wanted is to be in your heart,"

"Its's not that I can't live without you it just that I don't want too"

The Former Master of the Universe, Dong Hai had already written his fate by his own sword 900 thousand years ago, more like he removed it. Now, retire and alone he is leading a complete peaceful but boring life but three hundred years ago. A little red fairy had brought a long-forgotten hurricane with her beautiful red wings in his otherwise silent life. People say he is made of stone and his heart is cold as ice but little they know he has sacrificed much more precious thing for the safety of the universe.

Bai Hong Liu is the princess of the butterfly fairies and three hundred years ago she has collided with a rock, he doesn't move or feel. He is just a shell she thought then it was proven wrong time and time again when fate brought them together and break them apart only to realize that they are destined to fall in love but never to be together because fate doesn't allow them so?

They have loved each other in every lifetime torn apart by fate, met by destiny and compelled by their own all-consuming love. But there is a secret tie that is tangled in their past and present lifetimes. Can they solve them? Or have their heartbroken forever?

I would have promised you HEA but it will ruin the ending for you. It's a roller coaster ride of love and passion set in the Immortal world of Gods...


Chapter 2: Sneak Peek - The first visit to Nine Heavens.

Hong Liu appeared by the heavenly gates and was stopped by the guards dressed in white armour. She looked up at the tall marble, pearl decorated gates.

"Let me pass, I am the butterfly Fairy princess, Bai Hong Liu from Green forest," She commanded.

"How can we know you are what you say? We never saw any butterfly princess and nobody is allowed in the heavenly palace without summons or pre-arrangement,"

Hong Liu at that moment had just one thing in mind that she wanted those responsible for her aunt's condition to give some answers other than that she at that moment didn't care about anything else. Her jaw tightened and she cracked her neck, clearly, the heavenly palace has no common courtesy, seems like I have to do this my way. She unfolded her wings and they got bigger, those red lotus wings became twice the size of its owner. The guards were startled at the sight before they could do anything. She waved them so fast that a small hurricane started, that guards flew back and they were thrown to the gate they were guarding.

More guards came to help but nobody could touch the red fairy as she broke the locks of heavenly gates and passed with fierce determination on her small face, fire in big deep brown eyes and her raven hairs flying behind her as she flew with her red wings blowing away everything in her path.


The original edition is Free to read, I just want to know what do you think about it as I rewrite it.

This story reached 67k+ reads and so much love from you all, Thank you!



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