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Sei's POV
"Oi nugget come to the kitchen, mom needs to talk to you" "Argh.. why now?? I'm still sleeping nii-chan..." I was about to dozed off again but Denki starts to pull my legs out of the bed, almost making me fall off.

"Come on now~" He starts to pull my legs again but this time I fell off my bed with a big thud. "BAKA!!! that hurts! I'm up now!" I yelled at him making him chuckled. "Hurry up nugget~" I rolled my eyes and stood up to fix my bed and head downstairs.

As I head downstairs to the kitchen, My mom was talking to someone. He has long hair with visible eye bags, wearing a polo shirt looking so tidy and fancy. What's happening??? who's the fancy guy? "Ohayo Oka-san... O-ohayo sir..." I bowed to them and looked at mom with a confused face, raising my brows. "Ohayo Sei! Come here for a sec, come seat beside me." She pats the couch signaling me to seat with her. I walked over and sat down, right in front of the fancy looking guy.

"Sei he's going to be your Homeroom teacher in UA, same as with your nii-chan" As she said that, the teacher bowed to me and I bowed back. "Aizawa Shōta. Nice to meet you Kaminari-san" "O-oh please call me Sei instead sensei.." I said while waving my hands again and again.

He nods and looks at mom again. "school will be starting on monday, We'll take care of your kids Kaminari-san. They're in goods hands." he bows and stood up, fixing his tie. "Arigato Aizawa-san" mom said as she guide Sensei out of the house. I'm still here looking confused then I heard footsteps behind me.

"Oi nugget, where's oka-san?" he asked while holding his phone. "She led Aizawa sensei outside." I simply said and walks to the kitchen to eat. "Sei, look at this" he came in the kitchen and sat down on the table while I was eating. I looked at his phone.



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"look at you~" he cooed as I choked on my rice. "what the— how— when— why do you have that?!" I widened my eyes, drinking my water as he chuckles. "what? you look cute in here, and plus your blonde streaks was still growing when you're almost 6 nugget" he gave me a smug look as I glared at him, he shivered.

"want me to hit you?" I raised my fist and he starts to sit on the floor instead of the table. "eh eh?? no need to be violent my nugget, besides we need to go to the school to send our costume design." he said as he sat beside me and ate one of the meat.

"wait— costume design?" I looked at him. "yeah, since we're going to be heroes we need to have our costumes." he said as he kept eating while scrolling through his phone. Going to be a heroes huh? that cool... I guess?


"hey hey!! Guess what, I'm going to be a hero!!" little Sei said with her eyes sparkling, the tall boy laughs as his pats her head. "Even though I hate heroes, but I can never hate on you, hun." the tall boy said with a smile as little Sei gives him a hug. "Thank you my light." the tall boy hugs her back.


"So what? you're gonna leave me now?" the tall pre-teen boy said with a teary eye. "I'm so sorry light... my mom and dad got divorced and mom said she'll be taking me and nii-chan" pre-teen Sei said as she held the boy's cold hand. "I promise I'll come back—" the boy pulled his hand out and screamed "YOU'RE JUST LIKE THEM! YOU'RE GOING TO ABANDONED ME LIKE THEM SEI!" his quirk starts to activate.

Sei needed to stop him or else he'll lose control. "Stop it light! You can't control it!"

she tired to touch him but he pushed her as Sei fell down hitting her leg on the tree. The boy stopped and tries to get close to Sei as she starts to crawl slowly away. "you're scaring me... I can't see my light..." she said as the boy softly touches Sei's leg to see a big scratch. He tries to take a good look but then a boy threw a rock at light making him angry and held Sei's leg tight as he activate his quirk, burning her leg.

Light stood there, his eyes wide opened. He couldn't believed that Sei got her leg burned by his own hands. He looked at his hand, shaking in fear.  "I'm a monster.." he thought to himself.

Sei yelped in pain as Light ran away while a boy came to help her. The boy carried her to the nurses office, she thanked him and asked his name. "Name's Izuku Midoriya"


"oi, you're zoning out again. I said go upstairs and get ready cause we're going out." Denki snaps his fingers with a spark in front of my eyes "Oi! don't snap your fingers with your sparks in my eyes!" I said as he just ruffles my hair. "Get up now, we'll leave at 1:30" I looked at the time and it's almost 1pm. I got upstairs to get ready. Hmm.. Izuku Midoriya...

"Hurry up!!" Denki said as I hurriedly ran downstairs. "You're seriously going to wear that" he said while giving me that eye look. "what's wrong with it?" I was just wearing a short and a tank top with a cardigan. "change it nugget" he said with a sas tone. "I'M NOT GONNA SHOW OFF LIKE YOU DO WHEN YOU SEE OTHER GIRLS" I raised my voice giving him a sassy look.

He raised his brow. "T-then uhm.. You're not me Sei, now go and change" Jesus this dude— I just want to hit nii-chan sometimes. I stomped upstairs and change into a large t-shirt instead. Still keeping my shorts.

"There, better now?" I rolled my eyes as he sighed "changed into your pants also, hurry up—" "No." I said as I grabbed my phone and went outside of the door. "J-jeez! wait up Sei!" He hurriedly went beside me as we made our way to UA.


We made it. This school is huge like  a mansion... As we were walking we heard a faint yell.


We both looked at the direction at the same time to see a Boy with dark green hair, big eyes with freckles on his cheeks. Do we know him???

He walked up to me catching his breathe and gave me a big smile on his face. "It's me, Izuku!" He said with his eyes all sparkling. My face lighten up as I gave him a big hug.

"MIDORIYA-KUUUNNN" I can tell that he's turning red because of his ears, I let him go and looked at him as Denki is also looking at him.

"Who's this?" Denki asked as he grabbed my wrist. protective brother alert. "Nii-chan, it's Midoriya-kun. You know... the one who brought me to the nurses office because of my leg." I said as I showed him again my scar. "Oh right— ah!! him— ohhh yes I remember you" he said while giving Midoriya a big smile.

"How you doing?" Denki asked, "Just doing great! We're in the same school huh? what class are you guys in?" we both looked at each other and shrugged. "we don't know it yet" I said as Midoriya nods.

"We're just about to pass our design for our costume, care to join us?" Nii-chan asked as Midoriya placed his hand on his nape. "Well, I'm with mom and looking for someone so uhm Thank you for the offer Kaminari-kun" He smiled as me and Denki bid goodbye to him and went to the school.

"Who do you think he's looking for?" He asked me, "I don't know, I mean why would I know?" I said as we kept walking.

{That's it for chapter one! sorry for the grammar and errors but anyways, hope you liked it! see you in the chapter!}


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