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A/N ~ Meep I hope this satisfies most of ya spoons. Sometimes a hug is all someone needs.
Peter's POV
'Hey it's me, Peter Parker, well I assumed you knew that, ooh look at me.' He blatantly taps the screen. 'Breaking the 4th wall, spooky right? Well here I am to tell you that I am set out on my own personal mission, I just really haven't been myself lately.' The poor spider mutant had some things going on inside his head and just wanted reassurance is all. Obviously; because he is talking to himself. But it seems everyone and he means EVERYONE, is busy today. Poor Peter, all he wants is a snuggle. So he sets off through the tower, looking for someone, he had grabbed his blanket and wrapped it quite tightly around himself too.

Bucky's POV
He had been settled on a couch, the Winter Soldier felt a bit lonely today so he made himself a nice cup of green tea and grabbed The Wind and The Willows and sat down to relax. Unbeknownst to him, the little spider was very lonely today too and he will soon find company in someone he least expected too. He realizes that it seems rather quiet in the tower, almost too quiet even. Soon he hears little foot steps padding around the Tower, he simply cocks one brow up, wondering who it could be. He thought everyone was out on patrol or missions. He shrugs and supposed he'd find out eventually, assuming they were looking for someone else.

Peter's POV
He swore he could not find anyone, the more he looks for someone, he swears the more he feels sad and he is simply not having it. If it comes down to it he will just holler to see if anyone is here but he must keep looking. Of course Peter ends up tearing up a bit, he wasn't sick but mentally he just didn't feel too good today. He lets out a loud sigh, deciding to go to a couch to wallow in his own sadness and pity. As he drags his feet that way, he finds someone he least expects to find but at this point in time, Peter can't help but to tear up some more. He just stands and stares at the Soldier for a bit, startled into jumping when Bucky suddenly speaks without lifting so much as a finger, "You know, it's rather rude to stare." Peter was definitely feeling off, he can't believe he jumped, but he didn't miss the ever so slight smirk on Bucky's face. "Uh-I um...I'm sorry I just..I-" Ugh get it together Pete, just say it. Bucky finally looked up at him, he can't help but get flustered and just kinda freezes up. This was an opportunity for a bonding moment and what he needs right now and he was blowing it.

Bucky's POV
After finally looking up at him, he could tell Peter had been crying due to the redness of his face. He almost wanted to chuckle at his stutter but now wasn't the time for playful banter. Peter looked like a deer trapped in headlights and Bucky suddenly felt the strongest need to pull him into his arms and give him a big warm hug. He finally makes a decision in his head and sets his book and tea down, moving over to the small framed spider. "Peter, are you alright? Do you need to talk about things? How can I get those tears out of those beautiful eyes?" Peter had almost seemed frightened when he stood but Pete looks up at him, and can't hold back a few tears and a sniffle. "I..I just just-" He decides to cut off the young man by pulling him into his arms. He feels Peter instantly relax, seeing his shoulders loose their tension and the younger man stops shaking, as he lets out silent sobs, making a wet spot on Bucky's shirt but he doesn't mind. Just calmly hums and shushes him, Peter calming down eventually made all the awkwardness so worth it. He gently pulls Peter towards the couch and lets him snuggle up on his lap.

Peter's POV
When Bucky got up, he honestly thought the older man was going to shove past him, so when the Winter Soldier asked if he was alright he was in shock. But then it was as if the universe was screaming at Bucky to pull Peter into a hug but he so needed it. When Bucky starts pulling him towards the couch he starts to get worried but when the older man offers up his lap, he can't help but to quickly snuggle up to his broad chest. Bucky pulls the blanket from around him to put it over the both of them and enjoys the warmth of Peter being on top of him. Bucky goes back to reading his book and before he knows it he had fallen asleep to the sound of Bucky's heart beat. He had no idea Bucky admired him while sleeping, or that he kissed the top of his head, he just knew he was safe. And that's how they both stayed for the rest of the day and night. Content with each other and their company.

913 Words ~

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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