Chatroom 1

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(Sonoffire has updated his status: Hey guys!!!)

Twowheelersrule: Why r we doing this?

Beesgotthemoves: Cuz we are.

Soflash: Come on letz get some Cons in this chat! Does everything have to be about the Autobots??

Eightleggedkiller: :I but not everything is about the Autobots.

Twowheelersrule: *sees Arachnid* -.-

Eightleggedkiller: Arcee. Got any more partners to snuff?

(Twowheelersrule has changed her user to Spiderkiller)

Eightleggedkiller: O_o

Spiderkiller: >:)

WhyamIdoingthis?: This is immature.

PraisetheMatrix: You could be on recon and helping our cause right now...

(SlayerofPrimes has updated his status: I just tripped and fell; hurt my leg will be limping. )

(4,873 users have liked this comment)

SlayerofPrimes: I:(

Soflash: I'm suprised grumpy old Ratchet joined this!

WhyamIdoingthis?: ...........

SlayerofPrimes: I'm suprised your brainpan, which is about the same size as a screw, isn't too stupid to know how to find the keyboard.

Soflash: ?!

WhyamIdoingthis?: Well, Doctor to Doctor... YOU'VE BEEN SCHOOLED.

PraisetheMatrix: O_o

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