3 Little Words

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I hear the boys wooing outside so I assume Pop is here and then I hear a females voice ring out through the house that sounds mad familiar "Mommy! I'm here." And Mrs.Jackson stops what she is doing to meet the girl halfway when she steps her foot in the kitchen and the girl almost knocks her down the way she runs to hug her ... but Mrs.Jackson just hugs her just as tight kissing her face as they pull apart making the bitch smile  "Oh, babygirl I'm so glad y'all finally made it. I'm gone beat that son of mine keeping you away from me for so long .. it got lonely without you coming to see me Re." She smiles kissing her cheek back saying "Well I'm here now mama that is all that matters." And she spoke to everybody else smiling "Hey family."  but it faltered a little bit when she saw me but she recovered real fucking quick hitting me with a 164 kilowatt smile "Hey ...Yellow. Right ? Small world." I plaster on a fake smile and answer back "Yeah , girl absolutely tiny."

I definitely wasn't expecting the girl from the mall to be here but she could be here with one of the other guys. But the air is a little tense... Jas & Xiarra don't look happy that she's here. Mama Jackson tries to introduce us but Yummy stops her saying "Yes ma'am we know each other. We've met before a little while ago." And Mama Jackson just leaves it at that. I'm at the stove making bacon when I feel big hands on my waist and the kitchen falls silent and mama Jackson yells "Aht Aht ... get out of here you distracting people." He ignores her fussing laughing as he nuzzled his face into my neck "Hey mama." He grabs me by my neck and tilts my chin back so that I can give him a kiss I laughed when he let me go and said "Hi baby." I feel eyes burning a hole through my head but I ignore the feeling and just take in the feeling of Poppa's arms being around me as he rocks us back and forth. He leans over and whispered in my ear "I need to borrow you real quick... I need to tell you something." I wash my hands and grab a paper towel as Xiarra comes to take my place making the bacon. Mama comes back just as he's pulling me towards his old room and she yelled "No Bashar where you taking my baby!" I started to laugh trying to stop walking but he keeps pulling me and says "She'll be right back ma!" As he pulls me through the door I can hear Mama Jackson fussing her accent slipping in frustration at Shar. He locks the door and pushes me against it softly and I look up at him "What was so important that you had to pull me in here while I was helping in the kitchen?" He takes a deep breath and runs his hand down his face and he turns his back on me before he speaks "Because Alyssa is out there right now." I walk around grabbing his face making him look at me but he couldn't meet my eyes and said "You mean Alyssa as in the bitch that was blowing up your phone back in Chicago 3 months ago Bashar? That girl that's in the kitchen told me to call her Yummy." He grabs my hands trying to calm me down leaning his forehead on mine and says "Yummy Yellow is her stage name ... she's a bottle girl. Definitely not in competition with you cause y'all no where near the same lane... no comparison. She's old news baby I promise." I back away from him pushing my hair behind my ears crossing my arms "That's how you met her? And if she's such old news why is she standing in your mama's kitchen like y'all just one big happy family? And that look she was giving me in the kitchen have you slept with her recently... and I mean recently like before you asked me come back to NY with you.. before I agreed to be your girl. I know a woman with bruised feelings when I see one Shar... be real with me." He sighs sitting down on the bed pulling me by my waist to him "From the beginning because my mama invited her... you know when you dealt with someone for so long your family finds it hard to cut them off when you do. And honestly.. I did ... you weren't answering the phone I was losing my mind ... I got sloppy drunk and after I put the rubber on ... all I remember is the damn girl waking up in my bed the next morning with her head on my chest. I'm so sorry Re. Baby please don't be upset okay... She doesn't mean anything to me and she hasn't for years baby ... I just need you to keep your cool and don't let her get to you because she's petty and she'll try it any way she can. Cause she wants me to be miserable and definitely won't like that I'm with you now ... & I'm not going nowhere ... I just don't wanna lose you Re. You my world babygirl." He leans his head on my tummy wrapping his arms around me hugging me tightly. I take a deep balancing breath and grab his face lifting his head leaning down so we are face to face and softly kissing his lips a few times before speaking "I appreciate you keeping it real with me Shar. All of that was before me... I can't be mad because we were both free to do as we pleased.. just what she means to you .. that's what Jonathan means to me. There is no need for secrets between us. Nah I didn't sleep with him before on accident or on purpose but I won't let things from our past bother our future cause I want US. And we've put too much time into it now for me to be moved by little shit like this. I don't know what you are used to when it comes to love but baby now you have a solid, strong Queen ten toes down behind you. I'm not going nowhere. Okay? She gone have to kill me to move me up off you. We good baby .. I promise. Now let's get back out there before they think we back here fucking." He laughs the look in his eyes changes quick as he licks his lips standing up looking down at me "I mean we could be .. a quickie sounds good to me." I smile as he backs me into the door putting my hands on his chest pushing slightly against laughing "Stop Shar! It sounds good to me too. But save that energy for when we make it home tonight." He smacks his lips immediately rolling his eyes at me "TONIGHT? Tuhhh I'm gone let them seats down in the whip and you gone get this work... cause I'm not gone make it home. Round 1 in the whip after we leave." I push him off of me after he kissed me sucking his bottom lip as he pulled away. "Whatever you want Papi." He slaps my ass making me smile saying "It turn me on when you talk like that." I shake my head as we head back to the kitchen. When I turn the corner I start tying my hair up in a high ponytail letting the length fall and let my loose hairs fall naturally around my face because they were starting to curl back up anyway. After I washed my hands I went back to work in the kitchen until all the food was ready with Shar playing around me the entire time kissing on me and slapping my ass & whispering dirty little nothings in my ear when his mama wasn't looking after about 30 more minutes they are getting plates ready and everybody is sitting down getting ready to eat. I start to make Shar's plate and I see Yellow making a plate just as big as the one in my hand. We walk out of the kitchen at the same time with a plate and drink in our hands and it was almost laughable when she stopped in front of Pop and said "Here you go Poppa just like you like it. Nice and hot for you like always " Xiarra and Jas go bug eyed and Rah chokes on his juice. Mikey and Dread stop eating mid chew waiting for my reaction. I look her up and down as I pass her smiling slightly. I slowly push her glass out the way. Sitting mine in its place and push her plate to the side looking up at her from where I was bent over "He prefers my French toast. But WE appreciate the thought Yellow." I looked at Shar and I grab him by his chin and I stick my tongue out to lick over his lips but he takes my tongue in his mouth kissing me before saying "Thank you baby." I rub my hand across his back as I walk past both of them as I make my way back to the kitchen to make my plate. "You welcome Papi." I wink at her as I turn the corner as he watches me walk away.

Yummy Yellow

If this bitch wanna play hard ball then we can do just that. I'll have that bitch on a plane back to Chicago when all of this shit is over.

I was surprised as fuck that Re handled that the way she did ... that girl is a endless pit of surprises. And that's what turns me on about her the most she doesn't let people take her out of her character even when it's hard. The way she just kissed me in front of my niggas got my dick harder than a fucking quadratic equation in chemistry. She definitely gone catch it as soon as I get her to myself.

I am in the middle of making my plate when Yellow walks in. I pick up the glass she sits on the container leaning as I talk a sip from it hiding my smile behind it. She starts making her plate and speaks not looking at me "You funny if you think you can replace me." I refrain from laughing out loud and I just shake my head putting the glass down as I picked up my plate walking back towards the group and before I walk out the door I press my finger under Bashar's Woo chain as it hung around my neck showing it to her "I don't have to convince him to replace you ... he's made that decision for himself .. he chose up and he CLEARLY loves it here. If you were wondering Alyssa." I blow her a kiss as I walk to the table where everybody is still eating. When I sit down next to Shar he nudges his face with mine making me smile "It's good baby. Gimme kiss." I peck him quick 3 times as Yellow sits down across from us . He pulls back staring at me with adoration pure in his eyes ... I quickly search his face before looking away blushing slightly looking around at our friends ... his family that has become mine ... his mama and his ex. He turns my face making me look at him "I love you Reanna J." I freeze and search his face as everybody falls silent and a couple surprised gasps come from Xiarra, Jas & Mama Jackson. I try to play it off smiling "What did you say? ....don't say stuff you d- (clears throat) ...say it ... again...please." He leans in closer touching our foreheads together... "I said I love you Reanna." I close my eyes taking a deep breath steadying my fluttering heart my voice cracks when I speak because I'm talking through tears "I-I love you more Bashar." He kisses my forehead and my nose as I open my eyes he says "I doubt that mama but it's nice to think about." Everybody breaks out chatting amongst themselves happy until Yellow's phone rings and and she excuses herself from the table and she leaves.

Yummy Yellow

I see his number pop up on my screen with a text back so I quickly excuse myself from the table. When I get in the bathroom alone I read the message.


Your people were relentless to find me. I like the work ethic. Tell me why you're looking for me and please don't waste my time I'm a very busy man ... Yummy was it?

Yes. We have something or should I say someone in common.

And what's that darling. 😏

Reanna Jewensky. All that I ask is that you come and get your bitch from New York cause she's fucking with someone that belongs to me. And I want the bitch out of my hair ... I'll do some more digging and when you make it out here from wherever you are I'll have my people deliver her to you alive.

Perfect. Nice doing business with you sweetheart. We'll be in touch.

***messages end***

I don't say anything back after he says that all I can think about now is how I'm gonna get my man back when this bitch is gone.

New York? So that's where Reanna and my sister ran off to together. I've been driving myself crazy watching her on social media for months on Bashar's arm never able to quite put my finger on where she is. Now I know thanks to a desperate woman looking to get "her man" back. I open up my laptop looking at flights that leave ASAP as my secretary climbs from under my desk wiping at the corners of her mouth. "Anything else Mr.Simmons?" I press the last button to book my flight did next week as I push away from my desk exposing my still hard member "Yes... now shut the fuck up and strip." As she undresses herself I smile lost in my own thoughts ... New York here I come ... Reanna it's time to stop playing house cause Daddy is almost home.

Beauty Meets Beast|| Pop SmokeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin