"Guys" Jay said as he got off the phone. "That was Todd Harris from Auto Theft Robbery. They got Martinez's stolen van at a chop shop in Pilsen."

"Okay, Jay, you, me, Kevin, and Adam, let's roll on it" Voight said.

The witness at the auto shop, Fernando Diaz, got a good look at who had brought in the van, so we brought him in to see if he could pick Del Toro out of the lineup. However, things came crashing down when Fernando did not pick Del Toro out of the lineup. There was something off though, because right before Fernando looked at the lineup, he glanced at his phone. Upon further investigation, we found that he was looking at a picture of his kids standing on either side of a man who had a gun in his waistband.

"Fernando Diaz isn't being charged. He's on his way back to Mexico" Jay informed us.

"All right, what do we know about the kids" Voight asked.

"Platt's trying to reach out to the Mexican police. We're doing what we can, but we can't do much" Kim replied.

"Do you know if Del Toro got to him" Adam asked.

"Well, like I said, Del Toro's got reach all the way to Mexico. He's smart" Antonio responded.

"Well, we've got to be smarter and we're on the clock. Let's come at this a different way" Voight said.

"Del Toro is a known supplier and Hugo Campos was found with a kilo in his bedroom. We got the restaurant as a nexus" Jay explained.

"It's a licensed premises, so we don't need a warrant. We could just walk right in" I say.

"All right, let's do a city license check and go for maximum disruption. Shake the tree. See what falls out" Voight said.

Kim, Kevin, and I headed to La Casera, and while they searched the place, I was trying to talk to Beto. Beto was Carlos' younger brother, so I figured if anyone could help us out, it would be him.

"Kitchen looks clean" Kim said.

"Of course it's clean" Beto said.

"Hey, you got a key for this lock" Kevin asked and gestured to a lock keeping a tiny office shut.

"No, it's Carlos's office" Beto responded.

"Hey look, just so you know, your brother's in a lot of trouble" I say to Beto.

"He didn't kill Hugo. He's out of that life" Beto told me.

"I don't think he pulled the trigger, but he's not helping himself out. I know he cares a lot about you. So maybe you can talk sense into him" I say.

"My brother can take care of himself" Beto said.

"He's taking care of Alex Del Toro. Now I know you both feel loyalty for him, but unless your brother comes clean, he's going to be the one that winds up in jail" I sate.

"Like I said, Carlos can take care of himself" Beto spoke.

"Hey. Look what I found that under the floorboard along with six other bricks" Kevin said and placed a brick of heroin on the table. "Same stamp as the brick in Hugo's room."


Alex Del Toro was soon released, even though it hadn't been 48 hours yet, meaning we needed to scour up more information. Hugo's mother then stopped by and said that right after Kim and Antonio had talked to her, Hugo's boss came by and gave her some money for the funeral. She even ID'd Carlos. When Antonio confronted Carlos, he agreed to tell us what really happened, but we had to protect his brother. After agreeing to that, Carlos said that Del Toro thought Hugo stole some heroin from the office, so he went out and killed him.

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