Broken Hearts, Shattered Minds. [The Wanted Fanfiction]

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Nathan's POV

I cast my eyes over to the clock, running a hand through my hair.

It was the anniversary today.

Lucy had been dead for five years.

The band had broken up shortly after that, I wasn't all there anymore and we lost a lot of what made us good, I knew that Max blamed me for her death. The other boys thought it to and that was what started the arguments.

Siva and Jay sided with me, George sided with Max.

We could barely stand to be around each other anymore, never mind go out and give our fans what they wanted.

The babies would have been nearly five.

People keep telling me that I need to move on with my life, telling me that I need to find someone new, but I can't.

I don't know what to do anymore, I rarely leave the house, I put up my shields and lost the remaining friends a long time ago.

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