"Shh shh shh, you are helping fulfill a great purpose, know this." Bee told him as he died.

"I don't wanna fulfill a great porpoise!" He cries.

"Did he just say porpoise?" Max asks as Sonya and John stand on either side of the poor dying boy, gold goblets in hand.

"Ready?" Bee asks, Sonya answers and John nods. She pulls the knives from his skull and they start catching the blood with the goblets, until John's side stops leaking.

"Wait, hold on, my shit ain't workin'," John mumbles and taps by the cut. Then a huge amount of blood sprays out and drenches his face in blood.

"Oh, shit," Max says with a laugh. "All that blood was just in his boner." Max laughs again.

"Max don't laugh," Bee tells him, "John relax. His blood is serving you."

"Oh, shit. I did not sign up for this shit to serve me in my mouth!" John exclaims. Bee continues to tell John that he knew what he signed up for. "You wanna go platinum John? Things can get messy when you make a deal with the devil."

After gathering the blood Bee tells Sonya to bring in the cases. 'What cases?' I wonder. In too much shock to be afraid. Cole on the other hand was scared and crying. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, as if to tell him we'll be ok. Sonya rolled in to large cases. "What's in the box?" Max said, moving Sam's mouth to make it look like he was talking. Bee opened the case and pulled out an old book and opened it when John asked why they needed it.

"Well, the Jews have their scrolls, Christians have their bibles, and the devil has his verses." she told them and then warned not to touch it. She slams the book when they reach to touch it again and says in a fun accent, "Alrighty babes let's get started before we head upstairs and get the blood of the innocent."

Cole and I get up and head as quickly and quietly to our rooms as we can. I stop by his door with him. "Cole," I start and he looks at me teary-eyed. "Go in your room and call the cops ok I'm gonna get my crossbow and knife, get yours too. Then you need to hide if you can, if not pretend to be asleep. ok?" He nods and I gently push into his room. Going into my own I pull out my crossbow I begged mom and dad to get me last Christmas and my pocket knife, thinking of what to do before I hear the sound of them talking and coming up the stairs.

I immediately jump in my bed, pull the covers over my head, and pretend to be unconscious. I hear them go into Cole's room and listen. "Yo, this kid's hobby must be getting bullied." I heard John say to no one in particular and then say something about one of Cole's book.

"Won't he hear us?" Sonya asked I think Bee, by now I had gotten out of bed and was listening through the wall.

"With the amount of drugs I gave him, hell no.", Bee answered. Drugs? When did she give him drugs. Then it hit me. The shot. It was weird for her to be irresponsible with us, now it makes sense. "Do you have the needle?", Bee inquired to someone. Needle?! Oh no. Cole is petrified of needles.

"Of course I have the needle.", was Sonya's reply.

"You know there is a faster way to get all that blood.", it was Max that voiced the statement. Fear for my brother's safety started to spread through my body, but Bee rejected his idea.

"Do you know what happens when you kill someone?", she questioned the group.

"They lose like all their Instagram followers.", was John's answer. Allison gasped, "Oh my God that would suck." I told you she was stupid.

"No," Bee was talking again,"they die and then I would have to find another innocent kid. And all of this only works if we get that top shelf pure shit. And Cole is basically a faucet of that for us. After this we finish the ritual and your wish comes true. Damn I missed the vein." Damn, how much blood were they taking?

"Hey doesn't he have a sister?" My blood ran cold as John asks the question. Before Bee can answer it's surprisingly Max that does, "Yeah, Y/n. She's pretty hot." I blush against my will.

"You're kidding, right?", it's Allison who says this,"She's a huge nerd and super awkward. I mean who could like that?" I swear I hear Max growl, but he doesn't say anything.

"Okay," John breaks to awkward silence that had ensued, "let's go mix some blood!" They all leave Cole's room in words of enthusiastic agreement and then I get an idea. I told Bee I didn't drink the alcohol and that I'd probably be up for a midnight snack as usual. I could pretend I just woke up and maybe she can explain what's going on. I know she killed that guy, but she's still Bee one of my best friends, right? Right. I get slowly get up, put my knife in my pocket and my bow under the bed, before slowly opening my door. I pretend to be sleepy, rubbing one of my eyes like I always do for affect, and walk into the hall. "Bee?", I question, but Bee isn't with the group she is still in Cole's room. I stare at them for a second. Max's eyes boring into me.



Sorry for the late update I've been really busy with school. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will try to update more. Bye my lovely's~


word count: 1797

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