That slow crawl ended up scaring Shaw and his boys. Now, the deal was off. As Jay, Hailey, and I walked into the district, Adam stopped us.

"Hey, guys. What the hell was that? I had the prick" Adam said.

"Had him? He wanted you to go mobile. We weren't equipped for that. Had rip written all over it" Hailey said.

"All right, who made the call" Adam asked. 

"It doesn't matter" Jay said. 

"I did" Hailey stated. 

"Yeah, you made the wrong call. You made it too early" Adam said. 

"She made the right call, Adam. I agree with what Hailey did" I say.

"Listen, when I'm in the middle of it and I use the distress signal, then we call it" Adam spoke. 

"I made the call, Adam. Move on" Hailey said.

"So where are we at with Shaw" Voight asked as we all got upstairs. "Can we get this deal back on track?" 

"Well, he just texted me a bunch of emojis I never even knew existed. So based on that, I'm guessing that the deal is off" Adam responded. 

"Well, we're keeping the pressure on. Going from the top didn't work, so we start from the bottom. We catch one of Shaw's crew dirty and flip him. Do Narcotics know where the Night Lords are slinging these pills" Voight asked. 

"There's a house in the Back Of The Yards that's getting a lot of action. Walk ups, hands offs, stuff like that" Kevin said. 

"It's on the corner of Ashland and 54th. It's been up for demolition for about a year. Would you look at that? Look who it's registered to. Shaw's uncle" Kim stated. 

"Get eyes on that house. Let's go" Voight said.


From sitting on the house, we were able to catch a woman who had been given a paper bag instead of some dope like the other customers. She told us her name was Gina Reilly. Currently, Hailey was interviewing her, but I came upon some important information, so I barged in.

"Hailey, I need a word" I say. 

Hailey got up from the interview table and met me outside, shutting the door behind her. "What's up" she asked. 

"I ran the identifiers on those pills you caught her with. They're not opioids. It's a drug called Lumicin. It treats a rare liver disease" I explain. 

"Can you get high taking them" Hailey asked. 

"No" I say. 

"So why would someone steal them" Hailey questioned. 

"That's an easy one. It costs about 40 grand a month" I inform Hailey. 

"So are you saying Gina's sick" Hailey asked. 

I sighed. "What I'm saying is that Gina's dying."

After Hailey talked a bit more with Gina, she joined us back in the bullpen. Voight also came to talk to us.

"Jay, any more of this Lumicin coming to Chicago" Voight asked. 

"I'm trying to get an answer on that. The drug companies aren't being responsive. A lot of privacy issues. But, uh, I'm working on it" Jay responded. 

"I've got something. I found a nexus between Gina's husband, Robert, and our shot caller Eric Shaw. They're cousins. They went to the same high school. They're in a bunch of social media pictures together" Kim informed us. 

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