Our Secret Sophomore Social Part 11

Start from the beginning

"She can't," Kie spoke up, "She has to sit where she was when she ordered so the waitress doesn't get confused with the orders and splitting up the check," Kie lied, smiling innocently at John B.

Covering her laugh with a cough Coralina patted her brother's arm, "Thanks for the invite though JB. Enjoy your dinner," she told him and Dahlia before heading back to her end of the table, winking at Kie as she passed her.

Sliding in next to JJ, who sat at the opposite end of the rectangular table from her brother she smiled, "That was a nice assist from Kie," he whispered. Biting her lip Coral scrunched her nose up, "Yeah, I forgot to mention I told her when we were dress shopping," she whispered back.

"Well she must be okay with it. She didn't try and castrate me," he muttered causing Coralina to laugh. "What's so funny down there?" John B questioned.

"Oh JJ was just reminding me we can't dance like we're at a kegger tonight since we'll be chaperoned by the teachers," Coral lied smoothly.

Once dinner was done the group piled into John B's van and headed for the dance. After helping Coral out of the back of the van JJ didn't let go of her hand, earning a glare from her brother.

When they stepped inside the building they joined the line of students waiting to get their pictures taken before heading into the actual dance. With some help from Kie and Pope Coral was able to keep them in between separating her and JJ from John B.

Once John B and Dahlia were distracted getting their pictures done JJ had started whispering all the things he wanted to do to her in her ear causing a severe blush across her face.

"Will you knock it off," she hissed, laughing as she swatted him away.

"You know when Coral first told me I was a bit unsure about it but seeing you two together it's so obvious," Kie commented, glancing behind her at the couple.

"They're completely gross," Pope added before tugging Kie out to the photographer as it was their turn for pictures.

"Hey, I couldn't help but overhear. Are you two like a thing?" asked a voice from behind JJ and Coral. Turning Coral found herself face to face with Trina Scott, the biggest gossip at Kildaire High.

Wrapping his arms around Coral JJ smiled, "We are. Feel free to tell everyone," he told her, winking before turning around to wait for their turn.

"JJ," Coral warned. "What? I want everyone to know and that's the fastest way for it to happen," he told her before tugging her towards the photographer.

Once they were done with pictures Coral and JJ headed into the dance and found the rest of their group had already claimed a table for themselves.

When the boys went off to get drinks for everyone Coral took the opportunity to tell Kie what JJ had done. "Well that's one way to spread the news," she laughed.

"Wait, I thought you two were already dating?" questioned Dahlia, "You guys are always together."

"See you're not as sneaky as you think," Kie told her, "And I'm telling you John B probably already knows he just doesn't want to admit it. Oh, here they come," Kie said, noticing the boys coming back.

"Alright, so unfortunately they had nothing with alcohol available," JJ announced, setting two cups of punch down, "Fortunately for all of you. I came prepared," he stated, pulling out a small flask from his pocket.

"Are you serious?" Pope hissed as the rest of them eagerly held their cups out. "Why are you surprised Pope? It's JJ," John B answered.

"Someone's going to see you," Coral warned as JJ dumped alcohol into his cup. "Then cover me," he told her as he reached for her cup.

Standing Coral placed herself on his right leg as he angled himself towards her so what he was doing under the table couldn't be seen. "Alright who's next?" he asked after handing Coral her cup back.

Kie slid her cup over and Coral brought it down under the table for JJ to spike. Once John B and Dahlia had their cups back in their hands the group drank the punch down quickly as Pope just rolled his eyes, "You guys are going to get expelled," he warned.

"You only live once, Pope," JJ told him, "Let's go dance, Babygirl," JJ decided, grabbing Coral's hand and pulling her to the dance floor.

It wasn't long before the others joined them on the dance floor. After a few fast songs a slow song finally came on and JJ pulled her closer to him as they wrapped their arms around each other.

Swaying to the music he once again started whispering in her ear causing Coral to giggle into his neck, "Will you get your mind out of the gutter," she whispered.

As another slow song started JJ tightened his grip on her, "I really want to kiss you right now," he told her. Raising her head Coral kissed his jaw as she slowly made her way towards his mouth.

Just as she was hovering over his lips she was ripped out of his arms, "I need to borrow my sister," she heard John B say as he drug her towards the edge of the dance floor.

Stumbling as he came to a stop she glared up at him, "Are you fucking insane? You could've broke my ankle," she hissed. "I could've broken JJ's jaw too, but I refrained," he spit back at her, "Now I've had enough of this nonsense with you two," he told her.

"It's not nonsense John B. We like each other and we're going to see each other whether you like it or not," Coralina replied. Rolling his eyes he laughed, "I told you already. JJ's not a relationship person. He's one of my best friends and I know him. He's gonna get what he wants and then drop you and then I'm stuck picking up the pieces."

Getting angry Coral glared at her brother, "If that was true then he would've hit it and quit it in August," she snapped at him. Narrowing his eyes John B grabbed her arm, "What the fuck does that mean?" he asked, dangerously.

Knowing she said the wrong thing Coralina sighed before attempting to explain, "JJ and I have been seeing each other since the end of summer kegger, JB," she told him quietly, "If what you say is true then we wouldn't still be together."

Jaw clenching John B stomped away from her back into the crowd, "John B," Coral called hurrying after him, "Booker, stop," she tried getting her brother to stop as he made a beeline for JJ now dancing with Dahlia.

"John B," Coral cried when he swung his fist at JJ connecting with his jaw and sending the blonde stumbling back, "For christ sake," Coral yelled, getting between the two along with Pope and Kie. "We're done," John B yelled at JJ before walking away.

"Well that went well," JJ commented, rubbing his jaw. Sighing Coral checked his jaw, "I told you to fucking duck," she reminded him.   

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