Chapter 21

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You walk through the exit of the boar hat to find a devastated battle field, you run to the sins all collapsed on the ground. You rush to kings side,
"What happened here?" You ask holding him in your arms, he doesn't respond.
"King?" You ask, you place a hand on his chest to check for a heart beat, nothing.
"This is your fault y/n." Meliodas says, looking at you with pure rage. You look around to see everyone has gotten up off the ground and are in battle stance about to attack you.
"I didn't do this!" You shout, they don't listen.
"He died for you! You selfish brat!" Diane says,
"What..." you look down at where king was he's not there, you look up to see king attacking you with chastifol. Before it hits your face you wake up.

End of dream
You shoot up, panting and tears on your cheek. You're careful not to worry anyone with your stupid nightmares so you keep it down. You decide to get some air so you fly out of your window. You sit at the plank of wood on tip of the boar hat and reflect on what that dream meant, the cold nights air making your h/c hair flow in the wind.
"I promise it, I will protect king. He may not want me to but I've made up my mind, if anyone should die in battle it will be me." You say to yourself, you lean back and look at the stars, you don't even realise it but you fell asleep there.

You wake up to your name being called,
"Up here," You say stretching, king floats up to you,
"You had me worried, what are you doing up here?" He says,
"I left to get some air last night and I must of fell asleep."my you say shrugging,
"Why did you want to come for air, are you alright?" he says,

Kings a worrier, especially when he likes someone, if the tiniest thing hints to them being sad mad upset or stuff like that, he knows. The problem with that is he doesn't worry enough about himself, that's become your job and you're ok with it.

"It's nothing, seriously, don't worry I'm fine. Little worry wart."You say tapping his forehead in a playful way. He smiles,
"If you say so." You nod your head and fly down with king.

The boar hat is on the Move again, the plan is to face the commandments while you know that they have split up.
You break apart as the boar hat heads in the direction. You end up on the roof again. You stare out across the path, everything seems a sort of grey. You are joined by someone, and you know who it is there's only one other person can get up here without a Ladder. You sit together in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. You lean in resting your head on his shoulder, you hear his heart. Everything should be perfect, so why does it feel so off, it's something you've been trying to ignore ever since you talked with the supreme diety.

"King, do things feel off for you lately?" You ask,
"What do you mean?" He says,
"I mean like, everything feels strange at the moment like the whole world has flipped," you say,
"Hmm, no not really. Is that how you've been feeling?" He asks putting his hand around your shoulder,
"Yeah, ever since I talked with the supreme diety things feel, I'm not sure what the word is but maybe it's just me, does this come with being a sin or something?" You question, king let's out a small laugh,
"Well things change but you shouldn't feel off, maybe the supreme diety did something." He says,
"Yeah maybe," you say.
"Don't worry y/n, I'll always be here. Tell me if it gets worse for you, alright?" He says,
"Of course," you say with a smile. You sit like that for a while before you leave to go to your room.

You jump off the platform and begin floating to the boar hat entrance. You feel a wave of great energy pulling you into unconsciousness and it passes straight through you, you collapse at the door falling on your back, the last thing you hear is king shouting your name before, blank.

Kings pov
"Y/n!" I shout, y/n has just collapsed and is currently unconscious, I fly her inside and begin up the stairs.
"Merlin, captain!" I say as I pass their rooms, they hear how stressed I sound and walk out,
"What's happened?" Meliodas says,
"It's y/n, she collapsed out of no where." I say entering her room, I place her on her bed.
"How strange." Merlin says as she examines y/n, "no signs of any wounds or fever." She explains,
I look at her,
"She was telling me how ever since she got back from talking with the supreme diety that the world felt off for her but she couldn't describe it." I explain,
"It must of been one of the supreme dietys conditions," Merlin says,
"Or, the supreme diety wants to talk with y/n." Meliodas says,
"What?" I ask,
"I remember back 3000 years or so ago a girl I knew would go unconscious every now and then to talk with the supreme diety. My best guess is that y/n is in the afterlife right now. But that doesn't explain why she's feeling off lately." He says, in an almost carefree way.
"Will she be ok." I ask,
"I'm not sure, it depends if I'm correct, we should let her be and wait for her to wake, if she doesn't wake in 24 hours we will intervene." Meliodas adds in a more serious way. I nod and sit next to her, keeping my promise to stay by her side.

Your POV (note: I'm pretty sure the supreme diety is a woman but I'm just gonna use they/them pronouns)
You open your eyes to see the same bright light You saw the first time You were here,
"Hello my child," the voice echoes in your ear,
"hello, might I ask how I got here?" You say bowing your head,
"I brought you here, I have an important message for you." They say,
"Yes of course, what is it?" You say putting on your best manners.

I love cliff hangers it keeps you invested in my boring stuff💓

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