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Saiki layed there taking in the gravity of his situation.  Sure he could teleport anywhere on the planet and disguise himself but there was no way he could live like that his entire life, it would be to stressful.

He could try space but that was a separate matter all together involving food, water and extra terrestrials.  Saiki sighed again.  This really was a pain.

"Saiki?"  Saiki forgot for a second that Teruhashi was there.  His thoughts were to preoccupied about what he was gonna do.  Getting up Saiki opened his bedroom door saying, "you should leave before the cops come".

Teruhashi on the other hand sat there with one hand pointed out while the other clutching at her side.  "I'm not leaving, you have some explaining to do".

Saiki sighed again and spoke his usual 'Good Greif' before trying to reason with the stubborn woman.  "You'll get charged for assisting a criminal and I don't want your brother hunting me for his whole life cause I got you in jail".

Teruhashi still wouldn't budge saying, "then will both leave so neither of us go to jail, and why are you worried about my brother, you have mystical powers" she said wiggling her fingers, "can't you just put your hand out and say begone or something" she said turning her body preumpting him to sit.

Sitting down he explained, "my powers aren't mystical and I can't just do what ever I please, there has to be rules governing this world you know".

Teruhashi sat there for a moment before asking, "then what can you do?"

Saiki took a deep breath before saying, "I have not counting a few
Astral Projection
Memory Supplementation
Mind Control
Size Augmentation
Super Stength
Brain Lullaby
X-ray Vision".

Teruhashi meanwhile was just sitting there in bewilderment at how the boy she thought was just ordinary was actually a superhuman with God like abilities.

With a shaky voice she asked, "d-do you have anything else?"

Saiki shook his head before awnsering, "I have tons more but it would take atleast a week to list every single one and the ins and outs of them so I just gave you the run down of the standard ones I use.  The only one I didn't mention was teleportation but you can probably guess why".

Teruhashi just gave a shaky smile before saying, "y-yeah, that would be kinda dumb to list something I already saw you use".

To say Kokomi Teruhashi was freaking out was the understatement of the year, she didn't know what she should say, he can read minds.  That would mean that he's been hearing her thoughts since day one.  Not to mention he sees her naked every minute and is probably seeing her naked right now.

Teruhashi's face exploded in a shade of red after that thought to which Saiki quickly replied with, "thats not how it works, my x-ray vision is to good so I can only see your face for half a second then your body then you muscles and organs and then sometimes your bones, it resets when I blink".

Teruhashi blushed again at the thought that he was reading her mind, the one thing you don't want your crush to ever do to you and here he is being nonchalant about it.

Taking a deep breath Teruhashi calmed down and said, "what are you gonna do?"  Saiki sighed once again before putting his hands in his head, "for the first time in my life i don't know".

Now that one was a suprise.  Teruhashi always knew Saiki as calm cool and collected, even though she wanted him to be a dorky guy like in her fantasies she had long since excepted this is how he was, so seeing him like this broke her heart.

Moving her right hand and putting it on his shoulder she gave him a firm squeeze before saying, "atleast your not alone, I'm here to help you".

Glancing up at her for a second Saiki once again sighed before moving her hand off his shoulder, "you should worry about youself, leave my house, go to the police.  Tell them I kidnapped you, that should help you from getting charged with anything".

Teruhashi was mad right now, "Saiki look at me"  Saiki didn't comply knowing she was gonna do something stupid.  Teruhashi asked with a more stern tone, "Saiki look at me, now".

Not wanting to get her even more pissed off he looked at her.  But he didn't even get to register her face before she rammed her lips against his ending in a quick kiss between the two.

Pulling away Teruhashi giggled at his expression.  He actually looked shocked to the point that his mouth was hanging open a little.  Teruhashi stop laughing though and winced from the pain.

Getting over his initial shock Saiki asked, "are you ok".

Teruhashi looking in pain said, "yeah I'm fine".  Obviously knowing from the way she was acting she wasn't fine.

In a stern and demanding tone Saiki said, "show me".  Teruhashi shook her head like a child insisting she was fine.

Asking again Saki said, "Teruhashi show me".  But once again Teruhashi shook her head. Getting annoyed Saiki moved closer to her trying to see why she was holding onto her side.

They both didn't get far though when a bullet came through the window barely missing Saiki by a fraction of a inch.

Saiki cursed under his breath before using clairvoyance.  There were about 30 swat cars parked on the road and atleast 2 snipers on every rooftop around his house.  "They must have set up while we were talking, damn it" Saiki thought.

Getting up Saiki looked to the window to see the sniper reloading.  Looking around for any essentials Saiki gave a irritated sigh before deciding he would come back later.  Teruhashi looking at Saiki worried asked, "what are we gonna do?"

Having no time to think on the question he was about to ask or think of the consequences he asked, "now or never Teruhashi, you coming with me or not?" He said extending his hand towards her.

Teruhashi couldn't believe it, Saiki was actually gonna let her help him, this was a dream come true.

Saiki looked to the window to see the sniper had already finished reloading and was ready to fire.  Insisting the retreat Saiki said, "Teruhashi!!!"

Quickly standing up Teruhashi grabbed his hand, making a solid promise to one another to stay together through this all.

Before they teleported to who knows where Saiki caught a glimpse of Teruhashi's left hand and where she sat, both were covered in blood.

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