9. Kuroo's new power

Start from the beginning

Kenma was so handsome, his hair was for some reason one of my favourite things about him too. Whenever it flowed through the wind I wanted to whip out my phone and record it in slow motion. Sometimes he pulled back his hair into a small ponytail, he was so fucking adorable I wanted to scream. As my eyes trailed down to his lips, a piece of his hair fell and covered all traces of his face. I subconsciously grabbed it and pulled it behind his ear, making him spin around and face me. My eyes widened and Kenma just glared at me with an innocent look on his face. I just wanted to stand up and scream, to tell him how beautiful he was, but I knew that it would bother him.

"Is everything okay?" He wondered. I smiled and nodded at his cute reaction. "The Karasuno game is almost over, we should go down soon." Kenma said, still staring at me. I didn't say anything and I just continued to look at him. I wanted to compliment him and tease the shit out of him, but something was holding me back. As I finally pulled my hand back and put it down, it landed on his hand. He looked down, and as soon as I was about to pull it away, Kenma looked like he was moving closer to me. I moved my head back slightly and Kenma immediately turned away. "Were you about to kiss me Kozume?" I asked, astonished at his actions. He covered his face in embarrassment and then smacked himself in the forehead. "You'll get your chance later, I promise." I chuckled. "But yeah we should get going."

Kenma's POV

The day finally came to an end and we got through it with another win. We were looking really good in terms of our chance to actually win spring nationals, and to be honest, it's pretty cool to think about. Kuroo, Lev, Mori, Tora and I split up from our team and decided to go get some takeout in celebration. I knew I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to eat out, but Kuroo really tried his best to convince me, so I didn't want to let him down. Lev decided on the place to go and it was apparently 'the best curry in town', which I doubt, because we were in Shibuya. Which, first of all, isn't even a town. And second of all, there were so many different places to get food that it was probably even statistically incorrect. But I was mean to Lev too much so I wasn't about to tell him all of that.

"You really think it's the best huh? With all the different restaurants in Shibuya? And we don't even live in a town." Kuroo said aloud, precisely reading my mind. "It's an expression." Lev argued and crossed his arms. "And I've been to a couple places around here, overall, this ones the best." Lev breathed out. Morisuke snickered at Lev's frustration and Lev punched his arm, causing a slight outburst. I was quick to grab onto Kuroo, so I could dodge the commotion as much as possible. Lev and Mori argued all the damn time, and yet, they were attached at hip. For some reason, they have recently spent a lot of time together. It confused me a lot because I knew that I wouldn't want to spend so much time with someone I seemed to hate. But maybe it was different for them.

"You guys need to relax, we aren't at practice where you can mess around like this." Kuroo tried to intervene. But it was too late for that now. "Kuro, there's no way that we can end this now. We have to let the tide calm down by itself." I dragged him and Tora ahead of the others and we kept walking at a safe distance. Those idiots really did confuse me. Tora laughed and watched them as the practically screamed at each other, I didn't have to turn around to know that Mori was probably jumping up and down in frustration and Lev was towering over him and acting like he was superior. Which was very incorrect. Taketora got bored soon enough and sighed. "They can really do that all day, can't they?" He slouched.

A few more minutes passed and they were still arguing. I felt a headache starting to develop from the constant racket behind us and I felt fed up with it. I stopped walking and turned around, waiting for them to catch up. They didn't notice me as I put both of my hands out to stop them in their tracks. "Kenma-san..." Lev said, surprised at my actions. "Please shut up." I stated. Lev and Morisuke looked at each other and with wide eyes. "You two need to start getting along, or I'm never going to go out with you guys again. That includes Kuroo too." I said, without a crack in my voice. "Sorry Kenma-san." Lev sighed. "Apologize to your other senpai." I ordered and then took off, headed for Kuroo and Tora. They smiled at me as a way to congratulate me for successfully shutting them up.

Lev and Mori didn't make a peep as they caught up to us. They stayed quiet for a couple minutes in fact, which was not typical for them. "Hey, Yaku-san?" I heard Lev say from behind me. "Yeah?" Mori replied with an attitude. "I'm sorry for punching you." Lev finally said. Mori sighed. "It really hurt." "I know I'm sorry!" Lev whined. There was silence again. I don't recall ever hearing Lev give up in front of Mori, so I was a little shocked when he apologized. "Do I have to kiss it better?" Lev teased. "Ew! No!" Mori reacted. After that, the weird tension between the two went away and we finally arrived at our destination. Lev's infamous favourite curry restaurant.


hey guys! (this isn't a part of the story hehe)

you guys have been really supportive of this story it's really nice :)
it makes me inspired to write more!
and I love kuroken, they make me very happy
but yeah I just wanted to write this to say thanks for all the love <3

I added a little LevYaku in this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed!!
anyway, I'll update as much as I can. I hope you have a lovely day! :)

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