Something Burning In Me

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**Ok this is the first time I've let a wide variety of people see my poetry lol i hope whover reads these likes them... um ima start with the poems i wrote last year first an work my way up to the one i wrote the other day and then each day i'll try to type up the ones i write each day lol might be hard lol but yea hope whoever reads this like them =] so without further adeiu here we go....** >.<


Why am I trying to find love so much?

Is it because I hurt inside?

I keep looking but can't find much

This feeling keeps burning me inside.


Something craves love, like a girl craves chocolate

This thing craves it so much inside me

I want that love as much as any person wants it

I know it isn't burning only in me


So should I just let go?

Should i just stop trying?

I don't want to let go,

But if i don't I'll keep crying


People will hurt and take advantage of me

I want to be strong

But am I really?

Can i stand up and fight for a love even if it's one that's wrong?


Maybe I'm not meant to douse this fire in me

Maybe I'm just supposed to wait

But how long will it have to rage in me?

This fire called Love that's burning in me; is it too late?


this is the first paper i have in my pile of poems lol ummm not my first poem tho... lol the one that got me writing poetry is ... well ill just make sure you know lol well um please comment lol i still dont understand this thing either lol =S

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