"we're not going to hurt Regina, are we?" The auburn haired girl aksed, worry hinted in her voice.

"why would your friends get you into trouble KitKat? We care about you, you don't have to worry okay?" Janis answers, hugging Cady from the couch.

Cady gets even closer to Janis and lays her head on the taller girls chest. "okay... Thanks" Cady smiles but after some seconds, it turns into a frown "Janis... Can I ask a question?"

"of course Cads, shoot your shot" the artistic girl answers but soon realizes once Caddies frown grew even bigger.

"oh God, I'm sorry KitKat, I didn't realize. I meant to say, go ahead, ask your question" this made Cady smile again, knowing that her new friend really is trying to adjust to her own vocabulary and way of thinking. she then got comfy, snuggling into janis.

"I don't really get what happened between Regina and you. I remember you saying that she both made mine and your life harder... Can I know what happened?"

Janis shot a nervous glance towards damain, who was now focused even more on the conversation. He knew that this was a sensitive topic for Janis. Especially for people who didn't really know Janis like the people at Northshore did.

"well ehm..." the dark haired girl started, taking a deep breath before explaining.

This could ruin the whole friendship between Janis and Cady. After all, Cady was already "friends" with other people. She could easily let janis and Damian fall and move to the other friend group if she wanted to. And in janis' head that was probably going to happen. Because who would want to hang out with the space dyke of the school. No one, right?

Cady visibly sensed the discomfort that grew onto the taller girl. And she went to look up "you don't have to tell me Janjan, just like you said to me. If you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to say anything"

"no caddie, you deserve to know. In eight grade, believe it or not, I was friends with the plastics. I was really close with them" Cady suddenly realised something. Regina had told her this story at the mall! She had a pool party and she couldn't invite Janis.

"oh I already know the story. In eight grade Regina had a pool party but she could only invite eight people!"

Damian interrupted with shock. "she said what!!! Ugh, Regina is a hot liar"

"damian-" but he cut off again.

"no, I certainly must" he stood up and walked over to the TV to face the two, still cuddling, friends.

"what actually happened, Regina came up to Janis before school, where no adults could see them and was like" he changed positions to immitade the scene.

"Janis I can't invite you to my pool party because I think you're a lesbian. And I can't have a lesbian at my party because there'll be girls in bathing suits" he paused for a bit. But then continued

"she just kept asking her like 'I mean, are you a lesbian' everyone started laughing. It was horrible" janis got awfully quiet. Knowing damn well that this would be the moment that the new found friendship would break. But Cady didn't move an inch from the nervous girl. Instead she asked a question

"what did Janjan say?"

"what could she say! It wasn't a real question. It was like, an attempt to snap her dignity and she didn't know why her friend was doing this to her, so she just yelled" this was Janis' moment to sit up straight, full of embarrassment and nervousness.

"I am a space alien, and I have four BUTTS!!"

"safe to say it was a bad choice" and with this, damian stopped telling his story, practically finished it.

Janis awkwardly shifted back into her stop. Not really understanding why Cady was still in the same place. She excepted her to have stood up and yelled some insults into her face. But instead she opened her arms for Janis to give her a big hug.

"ohw Janjan, it's okay. I'm here for you, I'm so sorry" the smaller girl whispered and embraced the other girl in a warm comforting hug.

"don't be sorry Caddie, it was my own fault anyway. The phrase has stuck and now someone even scratched 'space dyke' into my locker. I've gotten used to it" Janis mumbled, still cuddled up to Cady.

"After that, my parents pulled me out of school for a year. I was twelve at the time. After that, no one would talk to me. And it's not even true... I only have one butt" Cady giggled, but then another question popped into her mind.

"what does 'dyke' mean?"

This startled the taller girl. Is it safe to tell Cady? I mean, she's still talking to Janis, and being really kind? Would this ruin that?

"ehm, it.. It's a really mean word for something that I am... It's another word for lesbian. I- I like girls..." it took a lot of courage for Janis to tell this to caddie, and she once again expected the auburn haired girl to jump up and yell at her. But just like the last time, she didn't. Instead she smiled brightly.

"So do I, well. I like both boys and girls" this took both Janis AND Damian by suprise.

"oh. My. God. This is amazing!" the talk guy shot up and clapped in his hands.

"I guess so" the dark haired girl shyly smiled.

"I think it's a great time to watch a movie now. We can think of a plan while thr movie is on " Cady said and she stood up to grab one of the movies that Damian had brought. Janis immediately missed the warmth that came from the girl that once was seated in her arms.

"does Heathers sound good to you?" the auburn haired girl asked and the other two nodded.

This was going to be a great night janis thought as a smile crept up her face


Holy shit this is a long ass chapter. But BOOOM I love this chapter I think
Hope you enjoy!

Published: 09-28-20
Words: 2230

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