"Again, you can't blame Bruce for all of this, Dick."

"Well, Bruce may not have pulled the trigger, but he damn sure helped load the gun. And that's why I supported the Anti-Vigilante Act. And you can hate me all you like for doing so, Barbara, but I stand by my decision." 

This time it was Barbara who sighed. "I don't hate you, Dick. But I don't understand if you felt this way why did you stay by Bruce's side for so long? Even after you stopped being Robin after you and Bruce had that falling out, you became Nightwing for a time."

"I stayed by Bruce's side out of misguided loyalty, I guess. I truly believed at the time we were doing some real good. Besides, I was still just a kid when I started being Robin, which, in all honesty, Bruce kind of forced me into. Today I probably could've turned him in for child abuse." Dick gave an awkward chuckle while Barbara glared at him. "Frankly, I would have been better off being raised by Alfred, which, when you think about it, he pretty much did anyway Bruce was so busy running Wayne Enterprises and being damn Batman. The only time he really seemed to pay any attention to me was when he was training me as Robin. As for me being Nightwing, I admit I did it in part just to spite Bruce and show him I could be a better superhero than he was."

"Is that why you and Bruce had a falling out/"

"That and other reasons."

"Is that one of the reasons why you supported the Anti-Vigilante Act? To try and get back at Bruce for not paying attention to you as a kid?"

"I'll admit, that thought did cross my mind. But, like I told you, the main reason I supported that Act was because I truly feel it's what's best for Gothem."

"And do you think Harvey Bullock as police commissioner is what's best for Gotham too?"

Dick shrugged. "Harvey's not so bad."

"You sound just like my father."

"Harvey's actually a pretty good cop," Dick protested. "He's just a little rough around the edges, that's all."

"By rough around the edges you mean he's corrupt, right?"

"Harvey's actually not as bad as some of the other cops your dad helped to get rid of."

"But you do admit he's still corrupt?"

"I admit he's not as bad as he used to be. And he does have a strong desire to protect this city."

"Well, I don't share in your praise of the man. I remember all the stories dad used to tell me of all the corrupt stuff that man used to pull and how that sometimes made his job that much harder."

"But, regardless of all that, your father kept him on the police force anyway, didn't he?"

"Yeah, talk about misguided loyalty!"

Dick sighed. "The bottom line is, Bruce didn't have to be Batman just like you don't have to be Batgirl. And, while we're at it, if you get arrested I won't be able to help you."

"What's the matter, Robin?" Barbara said, sneering at him. "Are you worried I'll rat you out?"

"I know you better than that, Barbara," he replied, narrowing his eyes at her. "Besides, the Anti-Vigilante Act only applies to acts of vigilantism conducted after the passing of the Act, not before."

"What a nice little loophole for you, Dick."

Dick let out a frustrated sigh. "Look, Barbara, I didn't come here to argue with you."

"Then why did you come here, Dick?"

Dick let out a long and heavy sigh. "I just wanted to check and see you were okay, Barbara. Contrary to what you may think, I do still care about you. I always have and I always will."

"Thank you, Dick," she replied softly. "I really do appreciate that. But, really, I'm fine, so you don't have to worry about me, all right?"

"All right, Barbara," Dick replied, nodding. "But, before I leave, I just want to leave you with this one thought."

"And what would that be?"

"That there's more to life than risking your life night after night dressed up as a bat."

"Okay, Dick. You've made your point." There was an awkward silence between the two former partners and lovers. "Is that all you wished to say to me?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much all." Dick strode past Barbara to the front door of her apartment. Before he opened the door, he turned to Barbara one last time and said, "Will you promise me that you'll at least consider what I've said?"

"Yes, Dick," Barbara said, nodding her cowled head. "I promise."

"Okay, Barbara." He started to open the door. "Take care of yourself out there."

"You too."

Dick stepped out and closed the door behind him, leaving Barbara alone with her thoughts. She removed her cowl and contemplated what Dick had said to her. ln spite of what Dick had told her, she had no intention of stopping being Batgirl. It was what she felt compelled to do. In spite of the danger. In spite of what it cost her. She realized that one day she would have to retire the cape and cowl like Bruce did.

But not tonight.

And, if she ever came face-to-face with that psychotic clown again, she might just do to him what her former mentor-and lover-Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Batman had refused to do for so long, public sentiment and Anti-Vigilante Act be damned.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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