Volume 2 Chapter 2: A small taste of a demon's power....

Start from the beginning

She sighed softly as she released her deadly aura and bloodlust once more. But her long red hair swayed behind her as she stood there preparing herself. Her aura was dark purple like if she wasn't human anymore. Her eyes that were once golden are now scarlet Red. She revealed her heavy weights that were on her ankles and wrists and threw them in her dark Nen void portal. A huge gust of wind blew throughout the room, shattering the glass behind her and making the walls around then crack under the pressure. Their skin was being cut by the strong winds as well.

She glared at them with hate filled eyes. "My brother and I are the last remaining members of the Kurta clan. I'm here to kill Kurapika and only him. But knowing Gon he will try to stop me from killing his friend, which involves your nephew. So I guess we do have to fight. Unless you can take your nephew far away from here by force." She stood there and waited for a answer from Zeno. But then Killua shouted,"You owe me one! Don't kill Kurapika." Aurora heard his words and clenched teeth in disgust. "I was going to give you mercy and you say that?" Zeno facepalms. "He didn't mean..." Zeno tried to save the deal but Killua interupted him. "I demand you to spare his life!" Aurora sighed softly. "If I do, can I take your life instead?" Killua froze in fear. Zeno knew she was going to say something like that. "Everything comes at a cost in the assassin business after all. Favors or not." She grinned like a psychopath. "What happened to you Bane!?" Gon shouted out with anger. "What happened to me? Haha... hahahahahaha!" She laughed hysterically at the question. "I was raised in meteor city!" She took a step forward and instantly traded places with Zeno. Only to punch Gon in the face. But Kurapika jumped in the way and took the hit. He went flying backwards through several walls and to te other side of the building. Aurora turned into black smoke to dodge Zeno's punches from behind. She appeared in front of Kurapika and lifted him up by the collar. She smelled Zeno coming from behind her but didn't hear a sound. She traded places with him once again and then punched his back at just half power. He coughed out blood and spit as he was sent flying through the wall and towards the ground. He shielded Kurapika's body from harm while taking all of the damage.

Aurora stood there at the edge looking down at her old friend protecting her brother. She felt betrayed by him taking his side. Her rage grew in size and so did her power. She dropped down to the ground, several thousand of feet down. As she landed crouched down, the ground beneath her became a huge crater. As she walked towards them the ground beneath her feet broke. The citizens near her froze in fear. She saw a huge group of people just stand there staring at her.

Void Chains came out of multiple dark portals and sucked the life from them and fed it to her making her true power even bigger. She killed up to 50-60 people with her void chain ability.

Zeno got up from the ground and coughed up blood yet again. "I guess my old age is getting to me." He saw the street littered with dead shriveled up bodies and weird black chains pulsating as they drained their lifeforce. "What are you doing!?" He shouted at his old friend.

She made the chains disappear. She grinned sadistically at him,"I'm sorry, but people who take the side of my brother don't deserve to talk to me like that." Her aura was even stronger than before. He gasped in fear. Even a man of his ability was scared of her. She heard a faint sound coming her direction.

She dodged the attacker's deadly kick. "Silva Zoldyck huh?" She got out her phone and called her old friend, who is the leader of the phantom troupe. She stared down the two assassin's and sighed. "Give me a second to call someone before we fight to the death." She said a bit unsure that she will live or not.

Aurora~"Hey, um about me killing the chain user."

Chrollo Lucifer~ "Hey, What's wrong?"

Aurora~ "If I don't come back by our usual time then I'll be dead. And you should leave and go home without me."

Chrollo~"Why do you say that?"

Aurora~ "He's under the protection of the Zoldyck family. Tell the others....I'm sorry." She said the last part with sadness in her bright red eyes. She hung up the phone and started to cry blood.

Back to the phantom troupe hideout~

Chrollo heard her tell him to tell the others she was sorry. He clenched his fist tightly and started to cry silently. Everyone saw this and stood up abruptly in shock.

Chrollo~ "We are leaving...now." He wiped his eyes and stood up from sitting.

Nobunaga~ "What do you mean we are leaving!?"

Back to Aurora~ She summoned her void portal and reached into and retrieved her Sythe. Her power was almost unfathomable to witness and feel. She was truly considered a monster in a human body. She gripped onto her weapon like her life depended on it. They both dashed towards her without holding back.

Several Hours Later~ Zeno was barely breathing. Silva was so beat up that he could just barely move. Aurora was slowly healing but she was so hurt that if she was a normal person she would be dead by now. She couldn't walk normally or use her Nen abilities without dying. She tried to limp away but then suddenly she collapsed to the ground. She looked behind her and saw Silva gripping onto her ankle. She got out her phone and called the first person she saw in her contacts. "Aurora is that really you!?" She smiled slightly at the sound of his worried voice. "Nobu..naga...I failed..." She said, slowly losing consciousness. "Where are you!?" She looked behind her and saw Killua glaring at her. "Zoldyck..." She said just before he kicked her the face. Her phone got crushed in half by Killua's foot.

She was then kidnapped by the Zoldyck family. There she was to be tortured by any means necessary.

Back to the phantom troupe hideout~

The phone went silent and Nobunaga burrowed his eyebrows and growled in anger while looking at his phone.

Chrollo Lucifer~ "What did she say?"

Nobunaga~ "Zoldyck..." He said clenching his fist almost breaking his phone.

Uvogin~"Those bastards took her!?"

Boss/Chrollo~ "Our fortunes say that we will lose a leg of a spider if we leave now but if we stay we might lose 6 members. If we stay."

Shalnark~"She's more than just a member... she's family."

Mochi~ "If she dies then who will will be our guardian angel?"

Feitan~"She's a friend." He said slowly.

Pakunoda~ "She is dear to me."

Phinks~ "She's so reckless but she's our reckless idiot."

Franklin~"If she was me, she would do anything to save me. Or do anything to save any of us."

Nobunaga~"We have to go save her..."

Uvo~"Boss what do you say!?"

Boss~ He closed his eyes and remembered all the heartfelt moments he had with her and then he felt his heart rate spike. "Let's go and get our friend back!"

Everyone went to excited to completely serious. With darkness and bloodlust seeping out of their aura. And a plan was made to rescue their dearest friend.... To be continued

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