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I've been tailing this dude Tee for weeks to make sure my plan was devised perfectly. And once I decided to make my move he unexpectedly left NC State and went on a trip to UNC-Chapel Hill to visit some dude.

Now I have to think on my feet because I'm not about to start from scratch, I need to get back home. When I walked past them in the hallway I was shook because the guy Tee was with noticed me and locked eyes with me. Now I'm probably going to have to add one more body in a bag...

Jonathan's POV

"Can you get that big bowl from the top please?" I asked Clarence. "I need it for the collard greens."

Yeah here you go he said leaning on the kitchen island. I took the bowl and smiled. He's been going through so much with Imani gone with the wind. She was gone for two weeks after dropping the bomb on him.

Perfect, I said playing the vegetables. The yams should be done in 10 minutes. And everyone if they're on time should be here in 5. Thank you for helping Clarence. You're the best, I'm so happy to have you in my life, the big brother I never had, I said smiling.

He smiled and got up from the island. Yeah of course, I got you jon jon.

I could see how anxious he was about seeing Imani. When she said she was coming back we both panicked honestly. He cried the whole time and I couldn't stop laughing. We almost fought because he thought I was laughing at him. But truth is I laugh when I'm nervous. The only thing that stops me from it is cooking. And that's how we got here... dinner for 7.

Who all coming again, Clarence asked.

I rolled my eyes because Clarence invite Lorenzo who asked to bring a "friend" which I don't care about because I'm single. But somehow he found out about my date with Quincy so he butt hurt. So there's your friend Lorenzo and his plus one. Then you me, you and Imani then Antwan and Tee.

Clarence shook his head, bro I can't believe Lorenzo is acting like that. You can disinvite him if you want. I didn't think he's pull something like that.

It's fine... guys are sensitive when they can't have what they want. It honestly shows me what type of guy he is and what I dodged. Besides I'm single he single and quite frankly nothing was going to come if it anyways. I'm way out of his league.

Who's league? Lorenzo asked walking into the kitchen with two bottles of wine. I turned around and smiled. Clarence laughed and grabbed the bottles.

Where's your friend? I asked sizing him up. Lorenzo smiled and came in for a hug. He's on the way. I nodded and walked to the front of the house. Tee and Antwan pulled up with another car I didn't recognize behind them. I thought it was Lorenzo's friend but it was Imani and Quincy.

I stood at the door confused and I realized Clarence and Lorenzo were also standing there. Clarence rushed passed me and almost took my arm off while doing it and I heard Lorenzo smack his teeth and walk back into the house.

I watched as Clarence went to hug Imani and Antwan walked up and hugged me.

He boo, smells good in here, and looks like it's going to be a interesting night too. I rolled my eyes and Tee came up with a cake in hand asking who who that was walking up to the house. He pointed and we saw this attractive guy walk up.

Love on his sleeves: College PassionWhere stories live. Discover now