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Taehyung and Jimin reached Taehyungs house at around four. Hoseok arrived fifteen minutes later. He hugged Taehyung and said You finally found a job. Taehyung laughed and said Still havent got it. "I have an interview to pass." Hoseok smiled and ruffled my hair saying "You're going to get it bub." Taehyung flashed his boxy smile and they sat down. Jimin raised a brow at the older and said "Dont I get a hello, Hobi hyung?" Hoseok chuckled and said "Aw Jiminie, hello my darling." Jimin just rolled his eyes and huffed at the older. Hoseok stood up and jumped on the older and clung to him like a koala. "Get off me!" Hoseok just laughed and ruffled Jimins hair and got off of him. The three best friends decided to just sit around and watch movies. After watching two movies, all of them got bored and decided to order something. They decided on pizza. Hoseok rolled his eyes when Jimin suggested that they should order one with pineapples. In the end, they decided on Margarita and pepperoni.

They finish eating around nine. Taehyung says good bye to his best friends and decides to shower before going to bed so that he can wake up early tomorrow and prepare his interview. Each of them wishes him good luck and they leave after giving Taehyung a hug. After he got out of the shower, he put on a pair of sweatpants and dived onto his bed. He sets an alarm for six-thirty. As soon as his head hits the pillow, the exhaustion of the day weighs down upon him and he instantly falls asleep.

He wakes up in one go when his alarm rings. He rolls out of bed and jumps into the shower. He takes a quick 10 minutes shower and comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He rummages through the shopping bags and his eyes widen when he sees three silk panties in one of the bags. He rolls his eyes at Jimin and decides to deal with it later. Taehyung puts on the shirt and pants and tucks the shirt into his pants. He quickly styles his hair and sprays a little bit of cologne. It was already seven by the time he was ready. He hurries to his kitchen and makes an omelette. That is the only breakfast he can cook without burning down the house. After he finished eating, He grabbed his phone and a bag with his documents and exits his house. He locks the door and heads down to get his car. The Bangtan Corp is a thirty minute drive from his apartment. Thankfully it was only seven fifteen and he will reach there by 7:45.

As expected, Taehyung is outside the Bangtan Corp at Seven fifty. He hurriedly rushes inside the building. He stops by the receptionist and gives her a smile. The receptionist just raises her brow and says "Yes? How may I help you?" Taehyung sighs and says "I'm here for the interview for the position of the CEOs secretary." She nods in understanding and says "Take one of the elevators and go up to the 15th floor." Taehyung nods, flashes her a dazzling smile and thanks her. Then, he immediately rushes to the elevators and goes into the one which was open. There was a man inside, who looked older than him. The man flashed him a smile. He was really handsome. Taehyung smiled back. "Are you new here?" The man inquird. Taehyung nods his head and said "I"m here for an interview for the CEOs secretary." The man's eyes widened and he mumbled "Damn, he always snatches the pretty ones." Taehyung heard him and blushed. "I'm Park Hyungsik. I work in the management department." Taehyung nods with a smile and says "I'm Kim Taehyung." Hyungsik smirks and said "Pretty name for a pretty face." Taehyung blushed 10 times harder and mumbles a thank you. Hyungsik gets off at the tenth floor. Now, Taehyung was along in the elevator.

When he exited the elevator, he gasped at the interior. It was posh and elegant. The room was filled with mahogany, black and white. He noticed four people sitting on the couch. He looked around and saw a male standing by a door, which looked really elegant. He headed towards the man and said "Hello! I'm Kim Taehyung. Im here for the interview." The man's eyes widened and he quickly recovered. "Hello! Im Kim Namjoon. I'm the head of the HR department. I was the one who called you the other day." Taehyung nods in recognition. "You can have a seat there. I'll call you once the CEO is set for the interview." Taehyung's eyes widened. "T-the CEO is conducting the interview?" Namjoon chuckled and said "Yes. Dont worry. Hes not that bad."₩₩ Taehyung just nodded and thanked him. He then made my way to the couches and sat on the one that was empty.

Shades of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora