15 - First Date Part 2

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A/N: Changed it to third person. Once the story is finished, I'll go back and edit and change the rest to third person. 


Carly stood on the sidewalk as she stared up at the blinking neon sign, twirling the Tiger Lily in between her fingers. The stunned look on her face could've been mistaken for disappointment, but she was all too excited.

'Billie's Jam House' was a place that most people spoke of as if it were a legend. It was one of the hardest places to get into, as well as one of the hardest places to find. The phonebooks and internet had zero listings. Even Google Maps wasn't able to provide a legitimate location. The only way to get there was to know someone who knows someone.

"Found it!"

Carly was still too wrapped up in her little world to notice her date holding his wallet up in victory as he shut the door to his car.

She was actually there...at infamous Billie's. It was bigger than she'd imagined. It looked more like an old cinema than a Jazz club, but the soft music playing as a couple walked out of the wooden doors proved otherwise.

"I take it you've never been here before," Mickey said as he approached from behind her.

Tearing her eyes away from the majestic sign, Carly slightly turned her head and found Mickey's just inches from hers.

"I've always wanted to come here," she said, unable to stop staring at his beautiful mouth. "How did you know about this place?"

Mickey grinned just before pulling away and taking her hand in his. "I'm a friend of the owner."

"No way," she blurted in disbelief.

"Yes way." Mickey smiled and tugged at her hand.

As they made their way inside, Carly wasn't aware that she was going to walk into another era. The moment she laid eyes on the room, her jaw dropped. There were flappers with polished platters in their hands taking orders at tables and booths, and men in pinstriped suits tending bar. A jazz band spotlighted in the corner stage just beyond a dance floor where couples passionately swayed back and forth to the sound. Fake wooden barrels of moonshine were placed around for decoration while old newspapers served as the wallpaper. The dazzling chandeliers that hung from the ceiling must've been made from hundreds, if not thousands, of real diamonds.

Carly couldn't believe her eyes. It was much better than anyone had ever described to her. With all the fancy dresses and suits, she felt even more out of place but she couldn't have cared less. It was a privilege to be there and she would've come in wild-eyed and barefoot if that was what it took.

When she felt a squeeze of her hand, Carly noticed that she'd been gawking while the hostess was ready to take them to the reserved table. She mouthed an apology before being pulled across the floor to a dimly lit corner where a table for two was set.

To her surprise, Mickey hurried to pull out a chair for her. She'd been wondering what brought on this sudden interest from him, but was trying not to let it bother her. He hadn't been very talkative when the subject of his intentions were brought up, so she couldn't help but wrap her mind around it.

"What are you thinking about?" Mickey piped in, breaking her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh. Nothing really," Carly vaguely replied.

Mickey raised a brow like he wasn't buying it. "Then why do I keep catching you staring off into space?"

Carly shrugged and picked up a piece of bread from a dish that the waitress must've brought by when she was too busy not noticing. She took bites to give an excuse not to say anything, and dodged Mickey's stare as she did.

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