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" Mr. Gulf Suppasit , your ten o'clock is here".

My secretary Saint smiles at me as he opens my door to announce this.

In walks a man I was not expecting to see. In fact,it was the last person I would have ever expected to see in my office.

His eyes sparkle as he takes a seat
in front of my desk. I'm standing like a freaking idiot just staring at him with my mouth agape.

"I knew it." Comes out of his mouth and I feel my body grew hot.

"Y-you knew what?"

"I knew that Mew Suppasit had a thing for you. He never acted like
a normal 'father'. And Robby had feeling you were his son. I was really rooting for that outcome."

My head was suddenly spinning.
How in the hell...

"I came down from Pennsylvania to stay with my father close friend. Brandon Robert Kanawut,
five years ago. After that party-"
I watched his eyes shift to the wall and then back to mine. I could tell that the subject still made him uncomfortable.

"Robby told me about everything that was happening. I was even there the day he found out you were his son. That day I went back home to P.A. I would congratulated you but we both know that Mew probably would have tried to kill me if I tried talking to you again."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Bright was completely right. Just couldn't believe how small of a world it really was.

I was guessing that my dad referred Bright to Mew for me.
I wondered how many arguments my dad and Mew have gotten into over Bright being around though.

"So why are you here?"

Bright chuckle, crossing his legs.
It wasn't until that moment that I saw the ring on his finger.

"Y+you're married?"

Again he chuckled.

"Surprised? I mean it's been almost 7 years since I've seen you Gulf. I always wanted to get married and start a family. But I'm here because I wanted to see how you were, to congratulate you since I never got to".

"Well, thank you.
Congratulations yourself. Are you daddy yet ?"
The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. Well hell...

"Actually ...yeah. I'm a daddy and a father."

I could feel my cheeks flush. My whole body was on fire. I was embarrassed as fuck.

" You look like a tomato. Relax, Gulf although I meant what I said
I was just messing with you. From what I've heard from your father you should'nt be surprised by that".

He leaned forward and grabbed a picture from off of my desk.

"A daughter. She's beautiful ... She looks exactly like you. Mew is going to destroy any boy who so much as breaths here away."

I laugh out loud. Bright was so right .My little, baby Sophia was only two but she was already incredibly gorgeous. She had my bright , green eyes and Mew's dark brown here. ( Yes Mew and I had a daughter ,i would explain it further on book 2 )

She was like a porcelain doll. Perfect in any way.

I thought back the months after
I had just had her. I was so afraid that she would break. Mew had to ensure me that I was doing fine and didn't need to be so scared he has helped me become
such a great father.

It felt good to know I was a good father . I had no doubt in my mind.

"You're Right. It's going to be a crazy ,fun journey. I wouldn't want anyone else in the world to be her father. He'll always protect her ".

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