24 ; false memory

Start from the beginning

"I'm surprised he let you hang out with her, like, at all," Zuko said. "With the tattoos."

"Oh," Aang touched his forehead. "Hakoda had some tattoos, so I don't think he minded that much."

"When did you get those?" He asked.

"I don't remember, I've had them since... well, forever," Aang said. "I can't think of my original family, but I think it was something important to them, so I never removed them. Plus, laser removal is expensive and painful."

"I like them," Zuko said. "Blue is my favorite color, after all."

Aang smiled this time, looking at his hands. He'd never really thought much about the arrows crossing all over his body, because his parents had taught him that people only make fun of your appearance because of their own insecurities. 

"Are you really going to see him?" Aang asked after a moment. 

"I.... don't know," Zuko sunk into his chair. "I feel like I should, but I fuckin' hate him, and I never want to see his face again."

"Then wait, until you're ready," He said. "You don't have to go tomorrow. And trying to find someone to 'fall back on' if your uncle passes isn't a good reason. That's forcing yourself to like him... which, by the way, I'm against."

"You always forgive people," Zuko said. 

"Not murderers," Aang said. "He didn't sound exactly remorseful in the interviews he did, in fact, he sounded like he was amused or something."

"He had interviews?" He asked. "Who would... I mean, come on. Who would want to interview that piece of shit?"

"I dunno, the News?" Aang rolled his eyes. "He didn't get too much popularity, though, 'cause I hadn't heard of him until you came here."

Zuko stopped to think. "I don't want to see him. For the reason I gave, at least."

"Okay," Aang said, hopeful of this progress. "Then what's the other reason?"

"I want..." Zuko paused again. "I want to ask him why he did it."


The corrections officer brought Ozai into a small room, with two doors. Once she locked the other door, the second one opened and he was shoved into the new room.

"Last one to the right," She said, pointing. 

Ozai walked past her, and two other officers that stood ready against the wall. He sat down in front of a thick see through material that looked like glass. 

Zuko was staring down at his hands, hair covering his face. He knew his father was sitting there, he could hear him pick up the phone. Zuko also knew Aang was just outside, waiting for him. He could get up and leave and not have to look at Ozai.

Zuko picked up the phone and held it to his ear. 

"I don't think there's a.... correct way to start this conversation," His father said with a laugh. 

Zuko looked up finally, and almost got up. He forced himself down in the chair as his father inspected his face.

"Damn," He laughed again. "How's your mother?"

Zuko went to place the phone on the receiver, when his father quickly said to wait. 

"What?" Zuko said flatly.

"Why'd you come to visit?" Ozai blinked twice.

"Why do you think?" He said, starting to get agitated. 

"You want answers," His father rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"Why'd you do it?" Zuko asked, and then wiped his eyes. 

"Your mom was a filthy cheater," Ozai slammed his hand on the table, which the C.O scolded him for. "Apologies."

"And you killed her for it?" Zuko asked incredulously. "Just because she had a daughter with some other man doesn't mean you can take her life, now Azula doesn't have a mom."

"Azula?" Ozai leaned forward. "So, that's her name. It's interesting, you know. How you defend your mom. I mean, she was a whore, so I don't really understand."

"My mother was not a whore," Zuko's hand started to burn on his leg. 

"You don't know the half of it," Ozai snarled. 

It was silent for a minute, his father started laughing. Zuko gave him a confused look. Ozai waved his hand as if to brush him off. "It's nothing, really."

Zuko narrowed his eyes. Ozai sighed again. "Fine, fine. I was laughing at you. You and that horrible scar that I gave you."

Zuko looked down immediately, feeling some sort of ashamed. He couldn't help it. This was his father, and if he said something was horrible, then it was, and there was no changing it. 

"God, I remember killing Ursa," Ozai leaned back in his chair, holding the phone between his cheek and shoulder. He grabbed his with his hands and slammed his elbows onto the table. "I remember the look on your face when I did it."

He started laughing, tears springing from his eyes. Eventually he calmed down, but was still smiling. "I remember when I burned you. I remember how you cried, and how you stabbed me. I have a scar too, you know. I guess you kind of deserved it."

Zuko looked up at him, extremely uncomfortable. Ozai continued. "I remember when you ran outside, and then, the police came. I remember the hospital, and I wanted to go see you. I wanted to see what I'd done. I didn't think your mother was dead. I didn't want her to be, you know?"

"Then why?" Zuko's voice cracked. 

"Because I liked it," Ozai said softly. "I liked killing her. I liked killing you."

"You didn't kill me," Zuko said, his vision was starting to blur from unwanted tears building up. 

"I killed you," He said, a smile creeping onto his face. "I killed you here."

Ozai pointed to his chest, and then broke out in laughter. Zuko pressed his hand against the glass, fire shooting out of his palm, melting the plastic slightly, but mostly burning his own hand. 

Ozai laughed even harder, holding his stomach and dropping the phone to the floor. The officer behind Zuko grabbed him around the chest and dragged him out of the room.

Zuko wanted to kill his dad, he fought against the officer, eventually running out of energy and stopped struggling. 

She seemed sympathetic, so she dropped him into a seat, and called in to her radio to report it. He ended up being released an hour later, after reviewing the footage and deciding that Ozai had insinuated it, but then again, all of the staff hated Ozai.

Zuko left the prison to meet up with Aang outside. His hand was wrapped in bandages, and he was offered advice to not use it for a week or two. 

Aang hugged him, and said Toph was on her way, which made him feel better. He tried to forget about what happened, but it never fully left his mind.


hey :D 

how are y'all?

I'm getting my bird this saturday i'm so excited :D i'm naming him Zuzu lol . my family didn't get it so I passed HA take that

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