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You and your besties pansy and Blaise are walking to the train for your 3rd year

You find a empty Capartmant and sit down opposite to them. They start talking completely ignoring you not even realising your sat there.
You start singing to yourself when pansy jumps in fear.
"Where did you come from brat"she mutters at you
"Oh pansy i was sat here the whole time"you say
"You filthy-"
You put your finger over her mouth
"Im done with your bullshit. I need better best friends dont talk to me again"you whispered
"Someone got attitude"blaise muttered
You turn around and mutter back"someone never lost theres"and with that you left

Your walking down the long train corridor with blocking everyone out and you sit in a compartment

"Them little filthy-traitors-bitch's-hell-ugly-brats"you shout

"Um what?"
You turn your head sharply seeing the one and only draco malfoy
"Sorry thought this was empty" you mutter
"Do i know you i mean ive never seen your beautiful self"he says

You try not to laugh

"Oh well urm im new here"you stutter
"Nice to meet you im malfoy,draco malfoy

You lean over and stair into his eyes
"Im y/l/n y/n y/l/n"you say cracking with laughter
"Your your not"he says

"Oh darling i am"you say with a smirk

I mean i know i looked different with my new hair and cleared up face and a better figure but not that the draco malfoy wouldnt noitce me

"Well i must be going no-"you get cut of by ice freezing the window

"Is it me or is it awfully cold"you say "not just you"say goyle. The lights flicker and you get really scared when a dark figure comes across your door and opens it.
The next thing you know is your soul is being sucked and draco Shouting some spell then it goes black.

You wake up to malfoy over the top of you.
"What happened draco"you ask half asleep
"The damentios their back"he says
You give him a confused look not having a clue what hes on about but then realise
The draco malfoy who hated your guts the past 2yrs saved your life!

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