"This is the third building. Are we sure his alibi checks out" Jay asked me. 

"Yeah. Hailey said Rankin was at the 7-11 downstairs when the shooting happened" I say as we started to look around. 

As I was looking, something on the floor caught my eye. Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a shell casing, meaning this was the place.

"Look" I say and make my way over to a window. "This is where it happened. There's a clear view of the boys and girls center" I say.

"Yeah, this is perfect. You've got no security cameras, no people, elevated position to paint his target in the crosshairs, and then after the shot, easy getaway. I'll call the crime lab and get them up here" Jay said. 

"Let's also talk to building security" I say.

We got building security down to the building, and the man led us over to the stairs that scaled the side of the building.

"So he came down these stairs here and then he took off running. I told him to stop, but he didn't" the security guard said. 

"Age, height, weight" I ask. 

"He was black" the guard said. 

"That's all you've got" I ask. 

"I didn't get a good look at his face. I mean, he had on a backpack. I chased him down here. He struggled, he came up, pulled away, and went over this fence. Came down hard on the other side though" the man explained. 

"That's as far as you went" Jay asked as the man unlocked the gate. 

"I work for minimum wage with no benefits, bro. I don't do fences" the guard said. 

"Alderman Price was shot a block away from here. You know that right" I ask. 

"Oh, I found that out later. I work down here where it's loud, so I didn't hear any shooting. I just thought he was stealing" the guy said. 

"Check it out" Jay said and picked up a phone from a nearby patch on grass. "He must've dropped it." 

"Do you know which direction he went" I ask. 

"I don't know; he jumped into a car and drove away" the guard said. 

"What kind of car" Jay asked. 

"Green" the man replied.


"All right, what do we got" Voight asked. 

"What we know is that our offender was an African American male. Unknown height, weight, age but he was carrying a backpack, which suggests that he was using a collapsible, long-range rifle" Jay said. 

"He fled in a green car. Unknown year, make, or model" I add. 

"All right, we got anything on the phone" Voight asked. 

"It's a pay-as-you-go burner. It was activated yesterday, no incoming or outgoing calls but he did keep it on so we were able to triangulate his movements" Adam responded. 

"Right, so let's talk about what we know. He was at Bridgeport at 7:15 a.m. Went up to Uptown for an hour all the way to Berwyn. Next thing you know he's at the Boys and Girls Center" Kevin said. 

"I talked to Price's ward office. He was home all morning. Those routes don't sync up to him" Antonio said. 

"Look, there's got to be something significant with these locations or was the shooter just driving around randomly" Kim asked.

"It wasn't random. That's my house in Bridgeport. I had breakfast in Uptown and met a C.I. in Berwyn, before I went to the Boys and Girls Club" Voight announced. 

"Price wasn't the target. You were" Jay said.

After that, everyone started looking for information. We were all scattered about the district. A few of us were in the bullpen, some were in the computer room, and some were looking through archives. That's when Platt walked upstairs.

"Voight, can I borrow someone for a bit? I need to take a quick leave, and I don't have anyone to cover for me" Platt said.

"Sure. Ln, would you mind" Voight asked me.

"Not at all. If it keeps me out of danger for a while, I'm all down" I say.

For about an hour or so, I manned the front desk. And let me just say that we do not give Platt enough credit. That job is hard work. While I was working, there was another shooting at the courthouse. Thankfully, the man who was shot wasn't severely injured. When I was finally able to get back upstairs, the team had a new suspect; Drew Bayless.

"Drew Bayless's story checks out. He was at the Badger Lodge for the last four days" Adam said. 

"It also looks like he's telling the truth about the gun. I got surveillance footage from Bayless's building. This is from three days ago" Hailey said and showed us a video of someone robbing Bayless' apartment. 

"I got an ID. Darius Tatum" Jay stated. 

"Found him" Kim said and pulled his file from a nearby box. 

I arrested this kid. He was 17. He was lookout on an armed robbery. I mean, looking at serious time. I flipped him. I mean, he helped us put away some very bad people" Voight said. 

"So then why'd he try to kill you" I ask.

"I don't know. I got him a deal. I mean, he was supposed to do six months in juvie and walk away with a clean slate" Voight responded. 

"That didn't happen, boss. It looks like Darius had a really hard time getting out of the system. He went from juvie straight to Stateville. He was incarcerated for ten years. He just got out last year" Kim explained. 

"Let me tell you something. Darius was a good kid. I mean, something happened to him" Voight  said. 

"If you stay inside long enough, it's going to take the good out of anybody" Jay said.

So we talked to Bayless, who admitted that he was good friends with Tatum. After that, we went to his mom's house and looked through his computer. Besides the people who had already been gunned at, there was one more name; Michael Willard. Just as we discovered that information, we got word that shots had been fired at a youth intervention center, the place where Willard worked. Everyone headed to the youth center, and Voight had just made an agreement with Tatum, but before that could lift off, Kelton appeared with the SWAT team.

"There aren't going to be any negotiations, Sergeant. Move. Take your positions" Kelton told the SWAT guys.

"No offense, sir, but I think Intelligence has this handled" I say.

"Well, I'm taking it off your plate. This SWAT team can handle the situation just fine" Kelton said to me.

SWAT ended up handling the situation, with help from Voight, but Tatum was killed. That night, Jay and I walked into the apartment, and for some reason, our hormones were through the roof. I giggled against Jay's lips as he helped me slide my jacket off of my arms. We then both kicked off our shoes, and Jay carried me into the bedroom.

"I've got an idea" Jay said and stopped kissing me for a moment.

"Yeah? What is it" I ask.

"Well, last time we used handcuffs, I had them on. I was hoping we could try that again, but this time reversed" Jay said.

I smiled and leaned up, capturing Jay's lips in mine. "Lets do it" I say.

"Get ready for a wild night" Jay said.

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