The Data Beta Concept Art Book | RubyRed883

64 7 5

What: Cover
For: RubyRed883

Well I found this really nice futuristic city picture but the cover felt empty so I layered on this picture over top! It took me awhile to find the perfect way to place the title but I think it came out well! Let me know if you want any tweaks!

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Well I found this really nice futuristic city picture but the cover felt empty so I layered on this picture over top! It took me awhile to find the perfect way to place the title but I think it came out well! Let me know if you want any tweaks!

If this isn't what you were looking for feel free to comment and politely ask me for a redo, please add details on what you would want to change.

If the graphic is up to your standards, let me know! The copyright on this story allows you to screenshot safely

Don't forget to credit me in the description!



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