Chapter Four

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Halloween series in anyway =(. But I DO own Katarzyna and my other OCs.

Chapter Four

That night, I dreamt that Derek had come to Haddonfield and took his revenge on me. No matter how hard I fought, I couldn’t gain the upper hand and I was defenseless.

When I woke up the next morning, my hand was stinging. Upon examining it, I found a long slice going down my palm, the blood having dried over the stained my skin. I had no idea where it came from and I was more than positive that my hands were unscathed when I fell asleep.

“The hell?” I muttered and looked at my nightstand, thinking perhaps I had knocked my dagger over and my hand had just been the way of its path. But, it was in the same place I had left it, however, a little askew due to one of the picture frames having fallen over. I gripped the edge of the frame, wincing when I saw the glass was broken. Then, a thought hit me: How could it have been shattered when it just fell? It would’ve had to been slammed down with great force. 

I quickly looked around the room for any other signs of disturbance, but found none. What had I slept through last night? My hand didn’t cut itself and the picture had to have been physically knocked down.

“Good morning Kat!” I looked over at the doorway where Emmy stood, her hair disheveled and a huge grin on her face. Unlike me, she was a morning person, which had proved to be quite a challenge on some days.

“Emmy, were you in my room last night?” I asked.

“No,” she shook her head, confused, “Why?”

“Nothing,” I muttered and began my trek to the bathroom.

“What happened to your hand?!” she asked, horrified as I turned on the sink and stuck my hand under the water. I ignored the sting as I cleaned the wound and wrapped it in bandages.

“What time is it?” I asked, ignoring her question.


“What?!” I shrieked; I had fifteen minutes to get both of us read and out the door to school. I looked over at Emmy and took in her messy appearance, letting out a groan. So much for a good first day.


By the time I got Emmy to school and all the way to the college, I had already missed most of my first class. I seriously needed to get a car.

After class, I had to go to my counselor to figure out what my major would be. The counselor was a nice woman in her early to mid-forties and always seemed to have a smile on her face. The only sound in the room was the clock ticking as she went through papers.

“Well Katarzyna, it seems you show a lot of promise in creative writing,” she said in her candy sweet voice.

“I guess I just have a lot of stories to tell,” I shrugged.

“So, why are you not majoring in English?”

I shrugged again, “It’s not the easiest profession to break into. Not to mention it can be hard to make good money.”

“Do you have any other plans?” she asked.

“No,” in the end, after maybe an hour and a half of debating and researching other options, she convinced me to major in Creative Writing after all. Plus, it was all too tempting when I thought about writing stories without really leaving the comfort of my home.


When I was finally home, I had two hours to kill before I needed to get Emmy. The usual silence that met me suddenly felt ominous. Uneasiness came over me as I locked the door, dropped my bag on the couch, and made my way to the kitchen, hoping for some lunch. When I saw the piece of paper on the table, I had assumed that perhaps Emmy had left it behind this morning. But when I picked it up and read it, that theory was quickly dismissed.

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