Juli-Chapter 10

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" Mom, this blueberry pie smells delicious," Bryce exclaimed with an enthusiasm that was mustered.

He was hiding something.

" Bryce," I warned.

" Who was your first customer honey?" Patsy looked up from decorating the pie.

" Shhmmmm," He mumbled in a low tone.

" I didn't get you," I said as I cupped my ear with my hand.

"Sh. Why weren't you my first customer?" He complained, raising his hands in frustration as I edged towards him.

" I wanted to but I also wanted to make your favourite pie as it was your first day," I pointed out.

" But.."

I immediately gave him my death stare, a skill that I had mastered at a young age.
When you have two brothers, you just have to learn stuff for survival.
And no.
It wasn't an exaggeration.

" It was... Sherry Stalls," He sighed as he hung his head low in defeat.

" Oh," I said in a flat tone.

" You're angry," Bryce said apprehensively.

" No... no, I'm not. Drat. Now, I wish I was your first customer," I groaned.

Oh, how I hated Sherry Stalls.

" Juli, it's ok. Then who would have been here to make me my favourite pie?" Bryce asked.

" Yeah. Yeah. But why did she have to be your first customer of all the people in this town?!" I said exasperatedly.

Just then, Chet hobbled into the kitchen.

" You young kids and all the drama. It's just a girl, Juli and for God's sakes Bryce when your girlfriend asks you a question, answer it the first time! Listening to you kids argue is making me lose my mind" Chet shook his head angrily.

He burst into a trail of coughs then which Patsy pulled up a chair and I rushed to pour him glass water while Bryce helped him sit down.

" Now, now, Pops. Why do you have to take this so seriously?" Patsy asked as she rubbed his back.

" Back in my day, we didn't have time for all the drama. If you liked a girl, you told her you liked her. And all the other guys backed off. If anybody flirted with my girl, I would have given him a black eye that would have lasted for days. So, my apologies if whining about some girl being Bryce's first customer is even worthy of an argument," He glared at me as he handed the glass back to me.

" Wow. Never thought I would see the day Grandad would yell at Juli," Bryce chuckled.
I shoved him and he fell backwards on his butt.
That put a smile on my face.

" Just because I'm an old man, does not mean I'm incapable of doing or saying things," Chet grumbled.
He slowly got up from the chair gripping my arm for support and hobbled back in the living room.

" Hot, hot, hot!"Bryce yelped as he fanned his tongue.
When Chet was going to the living room, Bryce had sneaked the opportunity to eat the pie.

" I told you that it was still hot," Patsy shook her head in disapproval.

I was sorry for being dramatic but not sorry for Sherry being Bryce's first customer. She must have planned the whole thing just to get on my nerves.

And it was working.

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