A "Relaxing" Walk through Volcano Rock City part 1

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*years after*

Reef Marina: *wakes up* Hmm, this day smells . . . Beautiful!

*Opens the door*

Reef Marina: Good mornin' Blissyboo!

Bliss Marina: Do you want to call me that?

Reef Marina: Well, I just want too :3 So, what's for today?

Bliss Marina: Well, *opens the door to show millions of Techno Trolls dancing and playing* I kinda feel liking taking a relaxing walk through . . . Volcano Rock City!

Reef Marina: *laughs embarrassingly* . . .

Bliss Marina: Are you okay?

Reef Marina: Oh yeah, I'm fine . . .

Bliss Marina: *sighs* 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Reef Marina: WHHAAAAAYTTTTT?!?!?! *heart shatters*

Bliss Marina: Yep, not okay.

Reef Marina: You can't go there!

Bliss Marina: Are why ever not? You're there millions of times.

Reef Marina: Well, there's lava, so you could get burned, drown, get third-degree sunburn . . .

Bliss Marina: Didn't you survive that during your "sleepover"?

Reef Marina: *gasps hardily* HOW DARE - . . . HOW D- . . . HOW . . .

*Flashback to the sleepover*

Queen Barb: Go on, jump in, I'll jump in with ya.

Reef Marina: But . . . The Lava Lakes?

Queen Barb: This is a Rock ritual! Any Troll who has never Rocked must complete this tradition to become quite on quote Eligible.

Reef Marina: Eligi . . . Ah, forget it. *Jumps down*

*5 minutes later*

Reef Marina: Woo! I love today! *Does a cannonball jumping in*

*End of flashback*

Reef Marina: Uhh . . .

Bliss Marina: Yeah, be honest, you were flashbacking. Reef, just because your a big brother, doesn't mean you have to protect me every minute of my life!

Reef Marina: But it's my job!

Bliss Marina: Reef, wake up and smell the flowers! No Techno Trolls are calling you different anymore, you're very unique, so you should spend your "uniqueness" hanging out with people! Don't you like the Funk Trolls?

Reef Marina: Well, I don't wanna make a fool of myself.

Bliss Marina: Then don't make a fool of yourself when we get there.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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