Ice Cream Circle

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*back when Reef was Tyler*

Tyler's Mom: Isn't this nice, Tyler? A nice relaxing day in the park. Imma be sitting with some fellow moms, you stay right here!

???: Ice Cream, Ice Cream! Get your free Ice Cream!

Tyler: *cooing*

Ice Cream man: One at a time, One at a time! But I mostly need you . . . Tyler.

Tyler: *giggles*

Ice Cream Man: Okay . . . *Draws a circle made out of Ice Cream on his chest* This could and will get you a lot of ice cream, kay? *Speaking in ancient language* Soobius Moorfumicus, Creamalagoona, I now doeth, a curse-a upon you-a! Okay your limited ice cream! *Evil laughter*

Tyler's Mom: I heard they were selling free Ice Cream, do you want some?

Tyler: *nods no*

Tyler's Mom: Well, that's weird. Whatever, let's go home.

Reef Marina in CursedWhere stories live. Discover now