Meeting Mr perfect

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Wakey wakey!!! Zoey
Yes, I faked a yawn these girls won't allow me enjoy my beauty sleep
I just signed
So you are wide awake Selena said, she was my beautiful roommate with voluptuous assets 😜😜😜in med school
I don't have class today I said
Heyyyyy girls!!!
someone screamed
Selena and I turned around to see a heavily wasted Yvonne my other roommate
Hi b**** are you drunk ? Selena asked
Of course not she slurred
You are obviously drunk Selena screamed
I just shook my head and went to to do my thing in white house, yay😛😛😜
How did you get to the hostel I heard Selena asking her
Kester brought me home we went to the club together and then we went to his house to have lots of fun she giggled
KESTER !!! I screamed
Yes, Kester Flinch tall, blonde haired Kester Flinch, she say nonchalantly
Do you know him, Selena asked me
Yes, he was my high school mate and has been asking me on a date since 8th grade even yesterday he came as usual begging me to go out with him today not knowing he would be having the time of his life with my roommate yesterday, I said with disgust
Really!!! That manwhore he seriously need to stop playing games with girls
Let's forget about kester and Yvonne please Selena said
And by the way Zoey would you like to come along with me to my faculty school I told you abo--
Yessssss!!! I screamed
You may ask me why, well her medical school always had weekly meetings for leadership summit and professional trainings but I was more interested in attending because it was in a medical school ☺️☺️

Back to earth Zozo!!!
Yeah I replied u Selena dat I would come along with u
Ok, so let start getting ready

We arrived at the venue late of course thanks to Selena constant dressing and undressing just to look extra nice
I felt so happy to be among medical student inside the hall and that was when I saw him
He was dressed in a black waistcoat, white shirt and trouser in short he looked hot infact double HOT!!! He looked extremely handsome and he was anchoring the summit I was lost staring at him.

Selena who was that guy that anchored the summit?
Hmm, do u like him? Selena asked making teasing faces at me
I smiled shyly
Of course u do, Zoey has a crush!!! Zoey has a crush!!! She sang
Stop it Selena don't let anyone hear u and I don't have a crush on him I nearly screamed at her
She just shook her head and said 4th in med school, best student in his class and a student pastor
At the mention of all these things I had already started fangirling inwardly
Oh my gawd why does he sound so perfect!!!!
Because he----

Hi ladies!!!
I heard a voice behind me and then I turned to see that the melodious belonged to the Mr perfect I met inside the hall.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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