Chihayafuru part 3

Start from the beginning

"Chihaya " he said "I am not made of stone, are you sure that you want this? I am not sure I can wait that long now."

"I don't know, Ayata, all I know is I need you to hold me skin to skin."

Chihaya collapsed on the table.
Ayata sighed and got up to clean up the mess. After he had finished, he pulled Chihaya up and took her to his room and lay down beside her on his back with his arm covering his face.

"Chihaya, I want to do this properly. Do you think that you could marry me as soon as it is physically possible?"

Chihaya was lying on her stomach, turned over and looked at him "Yes" she said and left it at that.

"We better see your parents in the morning then" said Ayata "I suppose that I should take a few more of the jobs that your sister offers so that we can get by till our real jobs start."

"Good idea, enough about that. Kiss me " she demanded.

Ayata chuckled and kissed her and went on to do more intimate things, however, they managed to hold off on having sex as both wanted to wait. They fell asleep in each other's arms for the first time ever, and slept better than they had ever before.
Early the next morning they headed to her parents place and caught them before they left.
Ayata asked them both if he could marry Chihaya.

"Yes," they both said " It must be the day or something as Taichi and Chitose got engaged last night too."

"Huh?" The pair said shocked.

They had known that Taichi and Chitose had been going out but didn't realise that they had gotten that serious. Taichi and Chitose appeared then.

"Congratulations Taichi and Chitose " Ayata said.

Chihaya was just looking at the two and crying as she felt like a part of herself had gone. "Congratulations " she managed and lent into Ayata who immediately hugged her, understanding her feelings.

Chitose and Chihaya's parents then informed Taichi and Chitose that Ayata and Chihaya also got engaged.
They got a slightly different response.

"You mean that all this time you haven't been?" Chitose said

"I beat you to something, Ayata?" Asked Taichi.

"Umm no and it's my fault that we have not been. " Chihaya answered

"Ayata has been asking me for years now, but I was only ready yesterday to accept."

"Chihaya!" Taichi said exasperated "Ayata isn't made of stone...he must have been in torture all this time. No wonder it was so painful looking at you two"

"Huh? What do you mean Taichi?"

"I mean when I looked at you, I could feel the desire between you two and I couldn't figure out why you both were so loving but it never seemed to go anywhere. Ahhh, it is hard to explain."

"I agree with Taichi " said Chitose "It's why I couldn't hang around with you both for too long. Ayata, while I remember, my producers are hassling me again for you and Taichi to help out with the movie. Taichi has agreed to help. What about you?"

Ayata replied "Chihaya and I just talked about that last night. I am happy to help for a while until I graduate. "

Chihaya pipes up "If they need me, I will help too but they probably won't want me now because I previously have turned them down. "

Chitose started crying "That's great guys, I will let them know. "

Later that week the producer pulled them all in and proposed a movie that would have all of them in. They read the script and agreed to do it. When the movie showed it turned out to be a windfall for all of them. They didn't need to work again but they chose to because of their various dreams.
Ayata and Chihaya married a month after their engagement, in Dr Haruda's Karuta Club hall, with all their friends and family present.

Chihaya went to Ooe to buy her dress so it could serve as both a wedding dress and Queen dress for her Queen matches. Ooe was thrilled to help her friend and rushed to have it ready in time.

When Ayata saw her at their wedding, he could not believe that his dream was coming true. Not only that she completely took his breath away with how beautiful she looked in her outfit.
Ooe and Deskmatu had been married for two years, as they married straight after high school, and had one child. Ooe asked Chihaya beforehand, while making her wedding Queen dress, had she thought about contraception as she did not see Ayata giving up his pleasure to prevent having a child.

Chihaya got flustered and answered "I didn't think of that!"

"Chihaya, go see Dr Haruda and ask him about it, I know that he will steer you in the right direction with regards to this."

So Chihaya did and ended up with a contraception rod in her arm. Dr Haruda referred her to his younger colleague who he trusted as he felt that he was too close to look after her objectively.
He said "It's like looking after my own daughter, I can't do this."

Taichi and Chitose married much later when her schedule allowed, being married wasn't as important to them as much as being together was. Chitose was much more liberal in her view because of her work. Chitose really did suit Taichi better once he got to know her. Chitose had the things that he loved in Chihaya but none of what he hated. Chitose on her part had her need fulfilled by Taichi.

Both couples, after the movie had been made, bought their own places in their own style near the parent's place. Neither couple really had a honeymoon until years later when time finally allowed them to. They thought that it was better that way anyway as they actually enjoyed each other without the first time problems.

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