Chapter Three: La Reine de pique (Queen of Spades)

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   Quiet. It's quiet here and I hate it. There's suppose to the sound of children running and laughing along with their parents. But there's nothing except the sound of the maids and birds happily chirping outside my window along with other animals and their sounds, Fae I wish I was them, happy and without a care of the world. I miss them so much. They should be here.

    They shouldn't have gone. The kids miss them so much as well. That's ok. I'm allowed to be sad and mourn. They're my brother and sister-in-law!

  So why do I feel so guilty? I frown as I stew around in my thoughts then crawl out of bed. I just sigh and get dressed. I miss them so much but I have to be strong for Selena and Cameron. I have to.

   I trudge to Selena's room and gently wake her up as the maids already woke up Cameron. "How are you feeling?" She frowns at me. "Bad." I frown back at her. "You wanna talk about it?" She shakes her head. "You sure?" She just waits for a moment then "I wanna talk about it!" She wails.

   I just wrap my arms around her as she cries "I just miss them so much." I softly pat her back. "I know..I miss them too." We stay like this for a while, Selena crying onto my shoulder and with me patting her back until my hand feels tired then I switch to the other one. "Sissy?" I look up as Selena keeps crying and I signal for Cameron to come join us. He gently wraps his arms around her and is clearly holding back tears "You know it's ok to cry...right?" I say as tears flow from my by one. Then it's just silence "Are you ready to get dressed or do you want me and bubba to leave?" "...I'm ready to get dressed." "Ok." I smile and softly kiss her forehead, leaving with Cameron, as soon as we make it out into the hallway he clings to my skirt and cries. 

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